Page 51 of Mafie Queen

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Boris stands and flips through a few things on his desk.

“Oh, no reason. I was just wondering if something had happened with him, and that was why you thought it was okay to flirt with me in front of my woman.”

Okay, I think I might love this man. I mean, not really. It’s way too soon for emotions like that. But holy shite, him calling her out like that is amajorturn on.

“Nothing happened, sir.” She smoothes the front of her skin tight dress.

“Great, then it would be safe to assume you will stop.”

“Of course.” she turns on her heels, hurrying out of the room like her ass is on fire.

I look at the clock, we still have eight minutes. So, I cross the floor and grip the front of Boris’ suit.

“You didn’t have to do that for me, I'm quite capable of handling things on my own, you know.” I point out, attitude lacing my tone. As hot as that just was, I need him to know I can and will fight my own battles.

His large, rough hands go to my hips, a smile pulling at his lips. He’s not the least bit bothered by my snark. As much as I loved him doing what he did, it wasn’t needed. I would have dealt with her my own way.

“Oh, I have zero doubts about you being able to handle it, but Cami is good at her job, and I do need her for now. So, I simply could not risk you killing her if she chose not to back down.”

My frustration turns to humor in less than a second. He wasn’t defending my honor for me, he was saving her ass.

“So I can’t kill her?”

Leaning in, he kisses the tip of my nose then my forehead.

“So long as she keeps her hands to herself, no.”

I sigh dramatically, as if that’s such an awful inconvenience, but I do think the way he handled it was better than what I would have. Hopefully, the catty bullshit can end because I’m going to need all the help I can get in this world. I’ve learned so muchfrom both Cami and Boris, and I know I need them here to guide me through it.

We jump onto the call, and it goes really well. Apparently, this is the first time Boris has included a woman in his negotiations, which makes me smile.

I assumed with how much Cami knew that she was just as involved as I have been lately, but it seems like that isn’t the case. She’s just a secretary, and that’s the way it’s going to stay. I’ll make damn sure of it.

When the video ends, Boris gives me a long look.

“What?” I question him.

“You didn’t object when I called you my woman.”

My cheeks heat, probably to the color of my hair, but he can’t have everything from me.Not yet.

“I like to wait for more opportune times to talk about those things,” I say with a hint of sarcasm, trying to disguise my true feelings at this moment.

He quirks a brow at me.

“Lunch then?” He stands, holding his hand out to me.

I allow him to help me up, but drop it the second I’m to my feet. Boris’ hand lightly moves to the small of my back to guide me to the side of the room as he types in the code to the main house, connected to his office. We can literally walk straight into the kitchen, which makes it convenient to whip up some lunch together.

Except, I don’t think cooking was on Boris’ mind. I turn around to ask what he’s craving, but before the words leave me, his lips are on mine.

Well that answers that question then.

I resist at first, my body stiff, but who are we kidding? This man is hot as sin, and he just defended me to the only person who understands his organization as much as he does. So, I leaninto him. His large hands move from my waist to my ass, lifting me up to plant me on the counter.

I guess I could get used to being his lunch.

But before things can go any further, my phone rings. There are only nine people who have my number, so it ringing at all is very strange.
