Page 52 of Mafie Queen

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We both pause in our movements, and I let loose a harsh breath as I take the phone from my pants suit pocket. I love the new wardrobe he purchased for me, and the dark purple pants suit is definitely a favorite.

Kia’s name pops up on caller ID and I frown.

“She never calls me. Ever.”

Boris lets out a heavy sigh, stepping back just enough so I can answer.

“Go on then.”

Tapping the green button, I bring the phone to my ear. “Kia?”

“Lyra and I are on our way to Russia now. We need to talk to Evie.”

With Boris and Evie’s permission, I’ve kept in contact with my friend in case we needed backup. Kia and Lyra know to keep quiet about me being alive. Her father is the leader of a much less prominent gang in Ireland, but still a powerful one. She’s a good friend to have, and fiercely loyal.

“What’s this about?”

Silence stretches out long enough that I check to see if she’s still on the call. Sure enough the timer is still going.

“I can’t say much, this line isn’t secure on my end, but you should know The Shades have been busier than you could ever have imagined.”

My stomach drops, knowing what this means. We might have wounded them and sent them into hiding for a bit, but they aren’t the kinds of monsters that stay hidden in the dark.

“Get to the airport. We’ll have a car waiting for you.”

“Boarding the flight now. We’ll see you in four hours.”

“Be careful.”

“We always are. Stay hidden.”

We disconnect the call and Boris tilts his head, understanding crossing his features as he places a hand on my shoulder.

“Is it time?”

I nod, knowing the next four hours are about to be a cluster of movement and a shit ton of anxiety.

“Time to dress for battle.”

Chapter 22

Since being back, I’ve only talked to Nessa a few times, so it wasn’t strange to see her calling. In fact, I was hopeful she and Laney were looking to have a girls night. Yet, when I answered the call, actual fear crawled up my spine.

It was time to test out how my control worked in front of Boris because things were happening. My uncle might have been hiding for a while, but we all knew it wouldn’t last. I was just hoping to have this part down a little bit more before that.

While Nessa told me about her friends calling and saying they needed to speak to me, Boris must have been informing the guys.Everyone suddenly got up from lunch and started putting the dishes in the dishwasher before I could even process what was happening.

Is he holding people hostage to get to me? Is Rostya manipulating Nessa’s friends? Can we really trust anyone?

Sweat dampens my brow as I walk to my room, that unwelcome feeling of panic slowly settling into my bones. I know I need to fight through it, but the thought of seeing Boris again so soon, mixed with the information that something is happening, has me sliding down the wall as soon as I make it inside my room.

Two minutes. I can have two minutes to freak out, and then I’ll take a deep breath and put on my big girl panties.

But it was longer than two minutes. The next thing I knew, a cold water bottle was being pressed to the back of my neck while Alexi holds me in his arms. There were no tears, just raw dread over how our lives were about to change.

“I know, Princess.” It’s just a whisper, but he knows what this feels like and he moves past it. So if he can do it, then I can find that strength too.

I’m not denying that it’s hard, and I won’t pretend the crippling anxiety mixed with a little nausea isn’t there, but I do know that dwelling on it won’t get us anywhere. It won’t remove pieces from the chess board, it will only make the game last longer.
