Page 12 of My Shameless Angel

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Nobody speaks back to me, and nobody laughs at me.

That prerogative belongs to me and me only.

My little kitten will learn to obey me even if her backbone is a stupid turn-on, or she can kiss her journalism career goodbye.

I snap my eyes back to the people in front of me and change the subject back to the front cover, trying to show that this is still my playground, my playing field, and no woman, no employee, will take that away.

Not again…

After another thirty minutes of fighting about which model will be plastered on the cover, the meeting is over, and everyone files out.

Lexi gets up and intends to do the same, but I grab her wrist and hold it. “Stay back; I need to clarify a few things before we go back.”

She doesn’t argue and simply sits back but one chair away from me this time.

“Alexandra, what the fuck was that?” I ask her.

She raises her eyebrows and crosses her arms in front of her chest, bumping those tits higher up. I’m working extra hard to not fix myself in my pants, which are growing tighter by a second.


I fail.

What is going on with me today? I have known this girl for mere hours, and she is already messing with my head. If that is not a sign to drop this game immediately, I don’t know what is. But just the thought of not seeing this little kitten again sounds terrible…

Yeah, very, very bad idea, Landon.

“You are asking me that? Who gave you a right to talk about me that way? Do you know me? Are you my boyfriend? No, you are not. You are not even my friend. What you are is my boss,so please act accordingly.” She glares my way. “You want me to be your PA? Fine, I’ll be that, but I am not your toy or your fuck buddy! Are we clear?”

I jump out of my seat, losing all of my cool, and invade her space by caging her in that chair she’s sitting in, glaring at her from the top with mere inches separating us.

“The only thing we will be clear about here is that you are right, I am your boss, and that means you will do as I say. You will come to me when I say, you will speak when I say, and you will kneel in front of me when I say. Now, is that clear?” I straighten up. “If you ever speak to me like that, I will make sure no one hires you in this city ever again. Hell, in the world. So, be a good girl and come please your boss right this second.”

“Are you familiar with the concept of sexual harassment? Equality? Gender rights? Or even simply human decency?”


“Gotcha, well, it was nice to know you. Oh, wait, no, it was not nice to know you. I quit. Bye,” she says the last word, gets up, and leaves. Slamming the door on her way out.

Fuck me…what am I supposed to do now?

I have never had a pleasure giver walk out on me. Never.

I never even had one talk back to me. This is uncharted territory, and I’m lost in it right now.

Not a feeling I like.

Lexi might be just that one woman who will not play by my rules in my playground. But all bad ideas be damned, I want her.


So, one fact I am absolutely certain of? Lexi will not quit. Alexandra Ellis will be my PA, even if I have to strap her to that seat. She will do as I say, and she will kneel in front of me in the end.



Song: Depeche Mode – Personal Jesus

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