Page 13 of My Shameless Angel

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The audacity, the nerve, the arrogance this man has is out of this world.

No, it’s too big for this world! Landon Locke thinks he can talk like that to me? To Alexandra freaking Ellis? Oh, boy, you have no idea what you got yourself into!

Landon is so high on himself. He is his own god, but I am not one of the girls who will worship at his altar. I will never be. And if I had to quit my dream job to prove my point, then so be it.

So what if I can never practice journalism anymore, it’s fine. I’ll find something else I enjoy.

Damn it, I really do enjoy writing. Fuck my ex-boss for ruining this dream of mine.

I hate him. He thought I’d sit there like a good girl, take his disgusting comments and then spread my legs in front of him?

Yeah, no. Never going to happen.

Been there, done that, don’t wish for another season pass.

If only my Daddy knew what that idiot said to me, he would rip his head off, but I’m a big girl, and I can stand up for myself, alright. I don’t need the almighty billionaire Josh Ellis to take care of my issues.

Come to think of it, does Landon know who my father is?

Probably not, or else I don’t think he’d open his trap like that.

But then maybe he is that big of an ass who simply doesn’t give a shit.

I storm out of that conference room without giving him a chance to respond to my statement. In all honesty, I was going to try and make it work. I was going to try and be a good assistant, show Landon that I’m not just a piece of ass, but nope.

Not meant to be.

I shut the door behind me and felt strong arms pull me away immediately. For a second, I think the asshole somehow teleported himself, but no, it’s Enzo snatching me away.

“Girlfriend, that was freaking epic. I want to be your friend. Please!?” He says with puppy-dog eyes, and his hands clap together as if praying.

“I don’t know, Enzo, what kind of a friend would set up their friend like that? You couldn’t give me a warning?”

“Okay, okay, I’m sorry, but in my defense, I was going to when bosshole showed up, and I had to shut up,” he says seriously and then goes back to puppy-dog eyes and praying hands; it makes my eyes roll, but I do like Enzo. He’s fun.

“Fine, we can be friends, but I just quit, so your first friend duty is to go get drunk with me.”

“What?” Enzo yells out, those puppy dog eyes gone. “Nooooo, I finally found my office soulmate, and you are leaving me?”

“Sorry, bestie, can’t work for that asshole. Can you believe that shit he said to me? In front of everyone?” I cross my arms in front of me again.

“Um, actually, I can. That’s Landon Locke for you. Didn’t you do your homework before starting?”

“Sure, I did, about the magazine itself. Not about psychopathic tendencies of the CEO.” Enzo laughs.

“Well, you should’ve because I am pretty sure you are the first girl to talk back to him or refuse him. Ever.”

“Duh, did you see the size of the ego? I’m surprised anyone else fits inside this building,” I tell Enzo with an eye-roll.

“Well, I can’t confirm or deny anything of the sort while standing inside the said building as I still do work here, so for my honest and unsolicited opinion, please see me after hours,” he winks at me.

“I really am sorry that I won’t get to work with you, Enzo. You are fun,” I say and hug my new best friend.

“Awww, me too, Lexi! But that doesn’t mean our friendship can’t stay strong and unbreakable.”

“Enzo, we’ve been friends for five minutes.”

“Schematics, schematics. I know my soulmate when I see one. Too bad I’m gay, or I’d marry you.”
