Page 29 of My Shameless Angel

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But I push that thought away and mull over Katerina’s name. I’ve heard it before.

“Minaev? I’ve heard that surname before. What do you do?”

“It doesn’t matter what she does. Nothing about her matters to you,” Julius interrupts us again.

“Jules, stop,” Kate says to him. “I’m a ballerina. I dance at the Metropolitan Opera House for ABT.”

“Wow, you must be good.” I’m genuinely impressed, but that is not where I heard the name from.

“Kate is the best. Did you see The Swan Lake? She dances the black swan role,” Lexi says.

“Actually, I did see that show about a year ago. It was very impressive.”

Kate smiles at me. “Thank you.”

“How long have you known Alexandra?” I ask. If Lexi doesn’t give me answers about herself, I’ll find another source.

“I do not see how this is relevant to you eating your dinner and disappearing from our house,” the vixen tries to interrupt us. Seriously, what’s with this house and manners?

Good thing Kate doesn’t care because she answers my questions anyway. “We’ve known each other our whole lives. We were neighbors until I moved to this apartment, and Lexi moved in with me a year later.”

“I see.”

“Here is your food.” Lexi places the plate in front of me with a fake smile plastered on her face.

I look down and what I see does not look like some simple home-cooked meal.

This is restaurant-level Pad Thai. Assembled beautifully with perfectly seared chicken and tofu. The rice pasta is perfectly cooked, and the vegetables look crisp and fresh, not soggy. The spices tingle in the air, making my mouth water with anticipation.

Well, well, well, here is another thing my Kitten is absolutely amazing at.

And I’m sure this is not her only hidden talent—if you know what I mean.



Song: Bebe Rexha – Small Doses

Here goes my peaceful and free evening.

The asshole boss just had to come barging in and ruin it. For the rest of the evening, he threw questions at Kate as if she was “Lexi Wikipedia,” and my now ex-best friend kept answering them, giving the bastard unnecessary information about me.

Thankfully, at least Julius wasn’t smitten by Landon and kicked his ass out as soon as the said bastard finished his meal.

And no, I will not mention how freaking happy I was that he enjoyed my cooking and basically licked his plate clean.

As well as, I had no reaction to his intimidating, broad shoulders and strong body, basically oozing with sex, occupying the small chair in our kitchen. He looked almost comical in it.

But at the same time, it was as if the whole space bowed down to him. Landon filled it with his six-foot-three presence and suffocated my mere five-four in the most delicious way. I was desperate to crawl into his lap and feel all small and fragile.

And I definitely did not have a very inappropriate dream about him later at night. A very vivid, scorching hot dream.

Yeah, no reaction at all. Zero. I’m so full of shit…

Okay, it’s a lie. I did all those things and more while imagining Landon freaking Locke.

It’s just seeing Landon at my house did something to me, and even though I still think—know—he is an evil asshole who uses women, it didn’t make him appear any less gorgeous. Unfortunately.
