Page 43 of My Shameless Angel

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But apparently, not all of the items from my desk met their maker because my phone decided it had a death wish and rang, pulling us from the trans we were drowning in. Lexi breaks away from me with wild eyes as if she just realized what we have done. Cutting off our deep eye contact she pushes at my chest with her tiny fists, trying to get away from me and I let her.

I just let her.

Because that trans we were in, that spell is now broken, and all that I have left in my head is a train of thought running full-speed along the lines of “what have I done?” and “I want—no, need—more.”

Lexi needs to be mine…



Oh my God, oh my God, oh my God.

What have I done?

Hearing that ringing noise from Landon’s cell phone was like hearing the heavens part and Jesus Himself dumping a bucket of ice-cold water on my stupid orgasmed-out head.

It was that much of an eye-opener. So, that brings me to what have I done?

As soon as the wake-up call rang, I pushed Landon away from me, breaking our spell. And it was definitely a spell. I could not stop kissing his soft yet powerful lips for the life of me. I could not breathe him in enough.

And yeah, that high he gave me by the wall? I needed more, I still do, but I can’t and shouldn’t.

This is the demon Landon Locke, the evil incarnate, and the Dark Angel. How could I even allow this in the first place?

Since day one, I swore to keep my legs shut and away from him. Instead, I not only opened them but rolled out the red carpet and spilled rose petals for him to walk on.

Crap, crap, crap.

I need to get away. I knew I should’ve taken his get-out-of-jail card when Landon sort of fired me two weeks ago. I knew it.

I jump off his cold, glass desk, the one where he laid out hundreds of women before me, and now, I’m one of them.

Another number in his staggering statistics. At least I didn’t allow it to get too far.

Who are you kidding, Lexi? If not for that phone call, his cock would be buried very deep inside of you right now.

Oh my God, why do I feel disappointed that it’s not?

I’m so messed up.

Hastily, I fix my dress, comb through my hair, and try to normalize my breathing while Landon watches me like a hawk. His gaze never weaves off me, and I cannot even fantom what goes on in his mind right now. Quite honestly, I have too many of my own thoughts to sort through to worry about his.

I bolt out the door without ever looking back at him and shut it behind me.

“Breathe, Lexi. Breathe,” I talk to myself, but the problem is, I can’t draw a single full breath without him. Without his scent and presence filling it.

He got me hooked.

Damn it.

I slump into my seat, burry my head in my hands, and mentally beat myself up.

How could I let this happen?

I need to make sure he doesn’t come near me ever again.

But I want him to!
