Page 81 of My Shameless Angel

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I knew the second she walked by my door that Lexi was different. I just didn’t expect her to wreck my life this much, this fast.

I also didn’t expect to grow these stupid feelings in such a short time, and it would be amazing if those feelings were only of love. But they are not.


Guilt and shame eat me from the inside out every morning as she kisses me and every night as I wrap myself around her lush body.

To think thatI, a guy who felt no remorse, now felt so much of it.

Lexi isthe one. Every bone in my body knows it, and every time I open my mouth to spill it all out, a plug forms in my throat, and fear seizes me from the inside. Fear of losing the one thing, the one person I love. And yes, I love her.

I haven’t said those words out loud because I felt bad enough for lying to her, but damn it, I want to so bad.

This week! This week I have to figure my life out. I can no longer put it away, hide it in my guest room and pray she doesn’t find out.

But that day is not today because my little kitten just dropped another bomb on my head.

“I want to have dinner with my parents tonight. I want them to meet you,” she told me this morning, and needless to say, I freaked the fuck out.

I am not the guy you bring to meet your dad. I am not the guy the said father wants to see his little princess with, but Lexiwants this, and I will do just about anything for her. I just hope they don’t hate me too much and talk her out of being with a much older guy like me. Hell, I am closer to their age than hers, but she said she doesn’t care. She said nothing they say will matter, but she is confident they will like me.

That makes one of us.

And that brings us to 5th Avenue in Manhattan, across from Central Park. I am staring up at the high rise and look back and forth between the building that houses the riches of the city and the girl that brought me here.

“Um, Lexi? What is it your family does again?” I ask because we never really spoke about her parents or their occupation. Truth be told, I didn’t think I cared, but now something nags in the back of my mind, and that ominous feeling that I had the first time I read her last name returns.

I should’ve done my research properly before jumping into a bloody relationship.

“Finance, law, and other ventures,” she says nonchalantly, without elaborating, and grabs my hand to drag us inside the extravagant lobby.

My own apartment is not too far from here—not that I ever bought Lexi over—but I don’t mention it now. The doorman greets her like an old friend and asks how she’s been. He also asks about Kate.

“Did Kate live here too?” I ask as we enter the fancy, gold-plated elevator, and she presses the second to last button.

Okay, they are definitely not just some bankers. Just some bankers don’t live that high up.

“Yep, her parents own the penthouse above us, and we have been neighbors since we were kids.”


Just what type of girls did I stumble upon?

“Alexandra?” I say with a barely hidden threat in my voice, and she winces. “Lexi, what exactly does your father do?”

I need to know this before we knock on that door. Because if he is who I am strongly suspecting he is, this dinner will go up in flames faster than a kerosine-infused car, lighting my ass up on fire along with it.

“Stop, relax,” she says, placing her palms on my chest, and for a second, I do relax because her touch is my drug, but then she knocks and opens the door without saying another word to me, and I suck in a harsh breath.

Here goes nothing.



“Mom, Dad, we are here,” I yell out as we enter my parents’ house.

I am not sure why Landon is so freaked out, but he has nothing to worry about. I already briefed them on the most important facts, such as: how much I love him. So, they are aware of how important Landon is to me, and my parents won’t ever do anything to hurt me.
