Page 85 of My Shameless Angel

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Song: Rihanna – Russian Roulette

Have you ever wondered what the best way to wake up is?

Well, let me enlighten you, it’s with Landon’s head between my legs.

“Aghhhh, Lan…” I moan out as he sucks and licks my swollen clit. “I will come; I will come right now.”

“Come, Kitten, come all over my tongue.” And so, I do.

Yep, best alarm ever. We end up having our session in the shower and then proceed to get ready for work like we always do.

Look at us being all domestic. No, look at Landon being all domestic. So sexy, my panties are already wet, and we haven’t even left the house yet.

“Lex, I need to run by my place before work; I’ll meet you at the office later, okay?” He says, leans over to kiss me, and rushes out the door.

Landon does this from time to time, and I never question it, yet something about today feels odd.

Something keeps nagging me, but once again, I push it away and finish getting ready.

My phone has at least a hundred missed calls from mom and dad, but I’m still too pissed off to talk to them.

Well, not mom, but she can’t be trusted not to slip anything to dad, so I’ll ignore both for the time being.

I have my usual breakfast and head over to the office. Landon’s Range is standing outside, waiting for me. Of course, he left the driver here to take me instead of him. So thoughtful, my Landon.

It takes at least another hour for him to show up at work, and the freaking nagging feeling is back when I see his tense shoulders.

“Hey, your coffee is on your desk, but it’s probably cold by now,” I tell him, and he manages to throw a small smile my way that looks too strained.

Okay, how soon is too soon to freak out?

Relax Lexi. Nothing is wrong.He is just still tense from last night's failed dinner. Yep, that’s it. Or maybe it’s the “I love yous” that got him all wired.

I remember all too well how Julius reacted to Kate’s proclamations, and maybe Landon is having the same reaction? Landon confided in me that he hasn’t loved anyone before—not in the real sense—so we need to talk this out. I need to make sure that I don’t have any crazy expectations. I can take it as slowly as he needs.

I’ll do anything for him.

Lexi, you are going down the slippery slope again!My brain likes to remind me from time to time, but this is different. This is different from my last relationship.

I bury myself in work until lunchtime and barely notice it when the office phone rings.

“That’s odd,” I say to myself because it is odd. My office line almost never rings. Landon has another secretary who is responsible for all his calls, and this line is strictly personal—and a waste of space. As far as I knew, I was the only one who had access to it.

But I guess not because when I pick it up and listen to the words coming out from the other end, my whole world turns dark, my heart smashes into small, small pieces, and my body falls numb. Literally, numb…

I listen to the woman freaking out on the other side of the line, and somewhere in the back of my mind, I realize how important this call is, but I am numb.

I need to get up, move, run, and tell him, yet, I am frozen.

I picked up a phone call from hell. My personal hell.

This can’t be right. They must’ve got the phone number wrong, right?

Please, tell me this is a joke or a mistake? A sick, twisted joke…because it cannot be happening all over again. But no one is laughing.
