Page 86 of My Shameless Angel

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Please, God, please…anything but this.




Ifucking hate this day.

It started so perfectly with the love of my life coming all over my tongue, and then it spiraled out of control just as fabulously as soon as I got to my apartment.

The sounds coming from the guest room were louder than ever, and it set my skin on fire immediately. I started making arrangements to have this whole situation moved out as soon as possible with my lawyers already drafting the documents up, and hopefully, by the end of this week, my place will be empty, and I can come clean to Lexi.

Fuck, I was so close yesterday. So close to losing her, losing everything.

As soon as I saw Josh freaking Ellis, I knew it was the end. You see, I know Josh very well, and I should’ve made the connection between Lexi and him sooner, but I was too head over heels for her. Too wrapped up in holding her in my bed.

But the problem isn’t me knowing him. It’s vice versa.

Josh did some work for me back in the day, and all he knows is the asshole who treats women like scum and nothing more than a warm hole to stick it in.

He also knows me during my darkest hour. The hour when the demons came out to play and killed the man inside of me. So, all things considered, his reaction was very mild. I expected way worse, and I sure as hell expected him to blur it all out.

To slay my closed doors with skeleton open wide for his daughter to see.

I was one hundred percent convinced Lexi would slap me across my handsome, lying face and stay with her parents, but my little kitten stuck by my side. She said she loved me, and I could barely keep my emotions in check in front of her family and not rip her clothes off right there and then.

I was wrong. Lexi is not my punishment and penance. She is my savior, my lifejacket. And I will be a bloody idiot if I ever let that girl go.

I might have my own demons to fight, but she makes it so much easier. Unknowingly she shared my burden and shone that light, showing me that there is an end to this tunnel where I’ve lived for the past five years. And I am terrified she will leave me once the truth comes out. That’s why I acted like a hormonal teen last night and asked her to never leave me.

I set the plan in motion this morning, and the last thing I expected was Lexi to walk into my office right after lunch with tears streaming down her beautiful face. We haven’t spoken much today; work has been kind of crazy, and now I regret not making Lex my priority.

Obviously, something is wrong, and seeing that beautiful face in so much pain absolutely guts me.

Shit, did her father actually tell her everything? Please tell me it’s not the case.

And it’s not…

“There was a call on your private line,” she says, and I try to search her eyes for some answers. Who was it? What got her so upset? But all I see is emptiness.

Lexi is gone from those eyes. My emerald pools are empty mud waters.

“It was a call from the emergency department of St. Nick’s hospital.” Wait a minute, a call on a private line? St. Nicks? Tears? Fuck…fuck, fuck, fuck, please, not this. Not now. Not like this.

I need to get up, run… Where to, though? Lexi? Or to the hospital? Maybe they didn’t tell her anything specific, but I’m a fool to think that.

“Your wife had a seizure, and she was rushed to the hospital.”

Another tear slowly slides down her face.

The words hang in the air like sharp knives, ready to slice me open.

That’s it…

This. Is. It.

I should be worried about my wife, but all I keep hearing is the cold, detached voice in which Lexi speaks.
