Page 87 of My Shameless Angel

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She is done.

There is no more us.

Lexi has checked out.

And with that, my own life ended…

I lost her… I lost the woman I love all because I’m a damn liar.

Fuck, she said Jenn had a seizure! Without another word, I jump out of my chair and fly out of my office, leaving my heart and soul behind all because a woman who was supposed to have it all originally is in the hospital, and she once again ruins my life.

Jennifer fucking Locke,youare my punishment…



Song: Tove Lo – How Long

“Aghh,” an animal-like sound comes out of me. A wounded, beaten half alive animal sounds.

“Good morning, honey,” I hear my best friend’s voice somewhere through a haze of bad decisions I’ve been making for the past five months. And a headache. Raging, painful headache. Sheer agony, that’s how it feels. My head is spinning in crazy circles even though I am lying down.

Why does my whole body hurt so bad? Why can’t I open my eyes?

Oh, that’s right…three lovely bottles… that’s why. And just like that, yesterday’s events come flooding in very much uninvited.

The pain and despair. The loss and hurt. The betrayal and anger.

When I got that call yesterday, and a frantic nurse was spilling sensitive information to a complete stranger, I didn’t have a chance to process what was happening; I could only feel and letthe tears loose. There was no way of holding it in, no matter how much I tried. Almost on autopilot, I got up and walked over to his office, letting him know that his wife had been admitted after a seizure.

And yes, I am that much pathetic because I wanted to comfort him at that moment. I wanted to feel bad for him.

Shut up, brain shut the fuck up. I don’t want to see his face in front of my eyes. I don’t want to relive all the lies I’ve been fed. And I especially don’t want to watch him run out the door to see his wife and leave me behind without a single word.

Yeah, I get it; I am the other woman—once again, damn it—but could he at least say sorry? Whatever, I don’t need his sorrys. I don’t need anything from him anymore. So, brain, just shut up.

I try to shove it all away, but the bastard engraved himself into my heart so deep it will take months, years, to desensitize myself to him.

Breathe, Lexi, breathe.

You’ve lived through this once. You can do it again. But why do I have to? Why?

I feel Kate’s hand on my head, gently stroking through the tangled mess of my hair, and I suppress the tears threatening to come out.

He did that to me all the time…. He played with my hair like that, and now I would never feel it again.

Kate sees me wince and pulls her hand away. “Sorry, did I hurt you?” Yes.

“No,” my voice comes out raspy and sore.

Oh yeah, I guess I also smashed half of my room and sang like a maniac last night. Yay me!

How did I end up in this situation again? Do I have something written on my forehead that attracts married, unavailable, cheating assholes?

Probably…. Or maybe I was cursed.

“Are you ready to talk about it?” Kate asked. She was lying down next to me on my pink bed.
