Page 88 of My Shameless Angel

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The bed that used to beoursa mere twenty-four hours go.

Did I want to talk about it? Um, no thanks, especially not with this raging headache, but I knew Kate wouldn’t budge. So, I decided to cut to the chase right away.

“He’s married.” A beat of silence engulfed the room until a piercing cry shook the whole building.

“WHAT?” Kate yelled, and I jerked away from the explosive pain shooting through my head at the sound of her voice. “Shit, sorry, Lex, sorry.” Kate was trying to whisper this time, but the damage was already done.

“I love you and all, but can you just leave me alone for a bit. Please?”

“Okay,” she says softly, and I feel the mattress rise back up. “Come out when you are ready.” Kate kisses my forehead and turns to leave.



“Please don’t say anything to Jules! And ifheshows up, don’t let him in. Please.”

“Of course,” she says and leaves me alone as I’d requested.

Why am I even worried that Landon will show up? He won’t. I mean, now that his double life is up in flames, he has no reason to keep up the charade.

It’s easier to find a new target.

Oh my God! How stupid can I be? How much more crap can I take before I learn my lessons?

But why does it feel different this time? With Stuart, I almost expected this, but with Lan? No. I did not see it coming, and I didn’t feel it either. I mean, the last couple of days, my mind was nagging at me but before? Not even for a second.

I trusted him blindly from the start. I believed in his every word and promise.

I am the naive, stupid little girl who fell in love with her shameless boss.

You know what? I deserve what I got. I would not be in this predicament if I used my head instead of other body parts.

I stew in my bed a little while longer, and Kate brings me breakfast and painkillers. She helps me to a shower but doesn’t ask for a single detail. I don’t deserve such an amazing friend. I don’t deserve anything, and just like that, all of my old insecurities that were drilled into my mind by Stuart resurface.

“Stop it,” I hear Kate speak through my self-pity party.

“Stop what?”

“You are the most amazing, the most beautiful, the most loving and caring, the most forgiving, the smartest and wittiest person ever. I am blessed to call you my best friend, and I still don’t know how you could take me back that easily after how I treated you during my dark days. So, please stop getting in your head and thinking bad thoughts.”

My mouth hangs open, “How did you know I was doing that?”

“Um, Lex? We have been friends since pre-school, you think I don’t know your every little expression by now?” She asks with a smile. That smile cracks me, and I tell her everything.

I tell her how the dinner at my parents went, how I chose him over them, and how my choice backfired in my face the very next day with that call.

Kate shakes her head throughout the whole conversation; her face bears disbelief and pain that closely resembles mine. In such a short time, my friends accepted Landon as their own. Even Julius—not that he will admit it—and I guess his betrayal hurt Kate as well.

“Lexi, I am so sorry. That is horrible,” she looks down at the floor, and I get a feeling that she wants to say something but is afraid of my reaction.

“What is it, Kate?”

“But you love him.” It wasn’t a question or accusation. It was a statement laced with pain.

I take a deep breath, “Yes, I do, and probably will for a long time.”

“I hate this for you. I hate that you have to go through this. What if you let him explain? What if there is more to this?” She sees me getting angry, so she quickly adds, “I’ll be on your side no matter what! But it just all feels a little strange. With Stuart, it was so clear that he was lying. All the red flags were there, but I didn’t see any of that here.” Kate looks uneasy. “Sure, he has that playboy vibe about him, but never once did I question his feelings for you. And neither did Jules.”

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