Page 103 of My Heartless Soul

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“I don’t think that’s possible. They have very tight security over there, you know.” I smile at her innocence and tuck a flyaway behind her ear as she pouts.

“Oh, can I have a little sister then?”

And here it is. Vee does what Vee does best. She stuns us silent.

I hear Vassar clear his throat and sit on the other side of our daughter, sliding a worried glance my way. “How about you go get dressed for your school play and we can talk about this later? You don’t want to be late, right?”

“No, I don’t. Come on, Flounder, let’s go put your seashell ears on,” she calls out to our fluff ball that I didn’t even notice at my feet, and they both run out the door with Vee still clutching her new blanket.

“Baby.” His warm palm slides over my cheek, and he presses his forehead to mine. “I’m sorry, I’ve never heard her say she wants a sibling before.”

“I’m okay, I promise.” I put my hand on his and gave him a reassuring squeeze. “She deserves a sister. What if…what if we look into adoption?” I bite my lip nervously because we haven’tever breached the subject of more kids and especially nothing about adoption before.

But Vassar’s eyes lit up immediately at my words, and his lips crushed to mine. “I think nothing would make Victoria and me happier.”

“Me too.” I smile and kiss him some more.

“Now put on that red dress I love so much, and let’s go watch our daughter be the best mermaid snowflake in the world in that outrageous costume you made her.”

Bonus Epilogue

One year later...


“Daddy, Killian’s bow tie is all crooked. He can’t go in to see mommy like that!” Victoria frowns as she leans over the stroller to try and fix her little brother’s bow tie with her small hands, and he giggles showing his little teeth to his sister. I don’t think I will ever get tired of seeing all this love surrounding me.

About six months ago, we finally got the call that we could take our son home. Killian had just turned one-year-old when we met him, and instantly, all three of us fell in love with him, so we started the adoption process.

It wasn’t easy, and we had to jump through many hoops to get here, but as my beautiful wife put it, “I will die in this paperwork, but I will have my son.” And that was that, and we were more than happy to do whatever it took.

Only Kira didn’t expect to wake up to extreme morning sickness nine months ago. Well, Kira woke up to morning sickness and a hug session with a toilet while I was hovering over her with water and a damp towel as I was pulling my hairout. She was sure it was some kind of stomach bug and would pass after a couple of days, only obviously it didn’t, so I rushed her to a hospital where we found out that we were eight weeks pregnant.


As in Kira was carrying my baby in her body.

I swear the doctor thought we were in some kind of stupor or shock because neither one of us said a word for a while. We were just blinking at him with wide eyes, eventually asking to repeat what he said again and again.

Kira kept repeating that phrase just like she did back when I told her I loved her. We were in utter disbelief, which soon morphed into joy and happiness I’d never felt before.

Of course, I was happy when I became Victoria’s father, but this was a whole different sensation, and the moment it really sunk in, Kira started crying and didn’t stop for three solid days.

And just a few hours ago, my beautiful wife gave me another gift. Our daughter Valerie Kazmere Levidis was born at six-oh-four AM. A whole seven pounds, nineteen inches of pure happiness.

“Hi, my loves,” Kira says as soon as we step inside the room. Her radiant smile visible from a mile away.

I was gone only a few minutes while I went downstairs to pick up our kids from Julius and Katerina, who spent the night at their uncle and aunties house, but it felt like I hadn’t seen my happy, beautiful wife in days.

God, I love this woman too much. I think it’s unhealthy, but she got me hooked on her poison a long time ago, and now I won’t survive without her.

“Mommy!” Victoria lets go of my hand and her brother’s stroller and runs to her mom with a beaming smile. “Mommy, I missed you so much! Where’s my sister? Did you see Killian’s bow tie? I put it on all by myself,” Vee fires off rapidly, andKira only chuckles with a slight wince. She is still healing from that nineteen-hour marathon she went through while bringing Valerie to life.

I know she’s was strong, but seeing how gracefully she went through the whole process really knocked me out.

Kira wanted to have this baby for so long, and a little pain wasn’t going to stop her. Because when my little fiery witch wants something, she always gets it.

“I missed you so much too, my little mermaid.” She kisses her cheek. “Let me see that handsome boy of mine and that bow tie.” I unstrap Killian, and as soon as he sees his mom, he extends his little arms to go to her with that toothy grin on his face.
