Page 12 of My Heartless Soul

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Lexi being his little secretary fiancée, also known as the only woman who could tame that beast.

“Good.” Jules smiles and sits back down, motioning for me to do the same.

“So, please show us your miraculous ways to get your snooping dogs off my back,” I tell Landon and watch that smirk grow. Damn it, I really hate the guy. Why does Julius have to be friends with him?

“My snooping dogs are not interested in this pony show. I’m not sure why you did this to yourself, but really, it is not flattering. And with Steven-I-stick-it-in-anything-that-moves, nonetheless.” He claps his palms together. “I mean, I know you are not picky about who comes to fuck you, but come on? Have some standards.”

“Oh, like you do?” I mutter back. And I have standards, thank you very much. It’s called uncomplicated, no strings, no feelings. “Sorry, let me remember this right, you have contracts written up for your whores who come to suck you off in the middle of the workday?”

“Had. Past tense, I am happily engaged now. See, standards. Now, you, on the other hand, should really take better care of that—”

“Okay, it was not lovely to see you. Please continue rotting in hell.” I start to get up from my chair to leave, but Jules cuffs my wrist and slams me back into my seat.

“You, sit.” He points to me with a stern face and then turns it up a notch when looking at Landon.

“You, shut the fuck up and help. You already know that Kira had nothing to do with that asshole and his atrocious statements.”

“Yeah, yeah, she’s a fucking angel. A fallen one, though.” Landon rolls his eyes and flaps his hands like he’s flying—dramatic little bitch—but straightens up in his seat. “And I really don’t know why you wasted your one favor on this, but the solution is too simple,” he sighs as if we are boring him. “No? Not getting it? Fine, I’ll spell it out for you two. You need to be in a committed relationship with someone else. Then this fool will look just that—a fool,” Landon says simply, as if he didn’t just propose the most outrageous thing in the world.

He sits back in his chair with a satisfied smile on his ugly— fine, sexy—face.

I blink a few times to give myself a moment to bite my tongue because I don’t think Jules would appreciate the choice of words I have for his new “friend” over here.

Screw it. I don’t have it in me to filter out my thoughts right now. “Did you hit your head at some point today? Or did that little secretary of yours fuck you stupid this morning?” I ask him with a tiny death glare. Tiny. See, I’m trying here.

But Landon stiffens, and a low growl comes from his chest as he leans over the table to get closer to me. “Do not talk about my fiancée like that. You got me? And if you don’t like my ideas, I suggest you get the hell out of my office.” He sits back. “It was not nice seeing you.”

“Very much mutual.” I start to get up, furious that I even entertained the idea of coming to Landon for help, but Julius’s hand latches onto my wrist once again as he pulls me back into my seat.

“Sit. Down. Shut up and listen. Unless you want to be another puck bunny of that pompous idiot you slept with. Your name is already being dragged through the mud, and no one gets to talkabout my sister like that. Not to mention, they are bringing out the hounds and digging fiercely into your past.”

My eyes snap to his real quick, and Jules sees the fear I try to hide.

“I am guessing you didn’t see the trending topic this morning.”

“No, I haven’t,” I say and dig up my phone but nearly hurl it out the window when I see the article.

Kira Clark is looking to welcome her new sister-in-law, the famous prima ballerina Katerina Minaeva, into her family. Our elusive restaurant mogul keeps her private life under tight wraps, but yours truly will always deliver. And let me just tell you, there are a lot more skeletons in that closet…

The article continues to talk about Julius and our foster home. Stuff I thought I buried far and deep, yet here we are. My chest grows tight, and my breaths turn shallow. No. No, absolutely no. If they found this, they can find the rest. They can bring it all up from its peaceful rest ten feet under the ground.

“Now it is not only affecting you, but it messes with my life, and I don’t need extra attention. So, unless you let Landon do his work, I will take matters into my own hands, and Kira”—he levels with me—“You know what my methods would be.”

“Oh, I am glad we are worried aboutyouright now.”

“Stop being a little brat. I haven’t even gotten to the part where you were supposed to tell me about this a week ago!”

“How in the world did I get stuck with you for a brother?” I roll my eyes but sit back into the chair because as much as Jules might annoy me, he is my only family, and having him deal with this using his methods means I’d be granted a few visits to his prison to see him in the future. Might not be the worst thing, but at least one of us needs to have their happily ever after, and he is the one who found it. So, I’ll be damned if he loses Kate because of me.

“This is all so touching”—Landon pretends to wipe a fake tear—“But I have a ton of shit to do and a lunch with my fiancée, so make up your mind, Witch.”

“Landon, I swear to God, if you call my sister a witch one more time, I will put my fist through your thick skull.”

“No, you won’t. You love me too much.”

“No,” Julius simply replies, and Landon sighs.

“Fine, we can do it the long way. You love Katie girl too much—”

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