Page 13 of My Heartless Soul

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Julius interrupts him. “Katerina,” my brother growls out because he hates whenever someone calls his fiancée anything other than her full name.

“Yeah, yeah, sorry, Katerina. She loves her best friend, Lexi too much. Lexi loves me too much; therefore, if something happens to me, we will all be miserable as fuck.”

And this is why I don’t do relationships of any kind. Crap gets messy as hell.

“Jules, I can totally do it for you. No one loves me too much in this scenario. And I am pretty good with a knife,” I tell them while examining my nails because, quite frankly, they are taking too much of my time.

My brother smirks at Landon. “See. I got back up.”

“Oh, shut up,” Landon says.

“You shut up.”

“Jesus Christ!” I snap at both of them. “What are you? Ten?”

“Whatever. My point stands. You need another relationship. The one where you will control the narrative to override Steven’s show.”

“No. This is a terrible solution. How are you the CEO of a multibillion-dollar corporation? Did you have to sleep your way through?” I ask him, genuinely curious.

“Honey, if my dick would slide into all of the politically correct holes, I’d be a fucking president by now. Yes, it’s that good.” Hesmirks, and I fight against the wave of vomit threatening to come out.

“Fuck. Me.” I rub my temples because this shameless demon is giving me a major migraine.

“Pshh, you’d be that lucky, but no, thank you,” he quickly adds.

“I wasn’t asking you, idiot. I was contemplating paying for Lexi’s therapist. She clearly will need one while being married to your narcissistic ass.”

“Okay! This stops now,” Julius snaps, flying out of his chair. “You two need to get over yourselves because, like it or not, we will all be one fucking family, and I am not going to disappoint my princess that my sister can’t come over for dinner because she might kill her best friend’s fiancée. This shit is already too complicated. Can we not fight on top of it all?”

Landon and I only glare at each other.

“I asked you something!” Jules yells out.

“Fine,” I grit out reluctantly.

“I’ll behave if she does,” Landon sort of agrees.

“Great. Now, Kira, go find a boyfriend, or I’ll do it for you, and Landon will take care of spreading the word.”

“No. I am not taking this stupid advice. With all the love I can master, Landon, please shove your idiotic plan up your ass. I will deal with it my way.”

“Fine,” he answers. “But don’t come back crying when it doesn’t work.”

“Kira—” Julius starts, but I stop him.

“No, brother. Stop. I appreciate you worrying, but I got this.”

After another half an hour of arguing, I finally leave the Fashion Linc and head back to my restaurant.

I need to dissect a whole cow to calm down after that meeting. To think I would agree to a fake relationship to erase another fake relationship. Jesus, when did my life get here?

Chapter six


“Vassar!” I bellow as soon as I step my heeled foot into the kitchen, looking murderous enough for all but him to take me on.

“Yes, Chef?” he asks calmly without looking up, already too used to my antics.
