Page 64 of My Heartless Soul

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I guess the apple fell too close to the tree this time…

Chapter twenty-nine


Ineed air. Lots and lots of air.

You, little, ungrateful bitch. You wanted this? Well, if you think it will see a light of day, you are gravely mistaken…

Where is the damn air? I can’t breathe.

I am very sorry to tell you this…

No, go away.

We did everything we could, but your chances are very low. Practically nonexistent…

I said, stop! I don’t need to relive the worst moment of my life in the stupid elevator. I don’t want to. I can’t. I just need to breathe and get away from here. From the sweetest little girl and her dad.

Why in the world did I think it was a good idea to have them move in? Since when does my heart have a say. Hell, since when did it come back into my chest? Why did I miss the memo about its move-in?

No, go back to the ocean where you belong. There is nothing here for you anymore, we have learned that lesson long ago, andgood sex and a few words from a little girl do not give you an excuse to come back.

Chapter thirty


“Hey, mom.” I drop into the chair next to my mom’s bed, and she smiles softly at me. She is in a lot of pain, and we are trying to manage the best we can, but there is nothing that is working at one hundred percent right now.

“My baby boy is here,” she rasps. I’ve been her baby boy since day one, and no matter how many decades we add to my age, I am still her baby boy. “Αγ?πη μου?” My mother’s tone grows more concerned. She always switches to Greek, calling me her love when she is feeling deeply.

“I’m sorry I haven’t come by in a few days. It’s been crazy with work and all that.”

“Vassar, aγ?πη μου, don’t try to lie to your mother.”

I slump into my seat. I need someone to talk to, and Mom has always been that welcoming ear. Ready with clever advice for any situation.

“I don’t know what I’m doing, mom,” I admit, closing my eyes. “I don’t think Victoria is doing okay with everything that happened last year, and I don’t know how to help her.”

“What makes you think that?”

I swallow the lump and spill it all. “I am kind of seeing someone. Well, I’m not sure what we are doing or if you could call that a relationship—”

“Having sex, Vassar. It’s called having sex.” My mom’s face breaks out in delight from the pained expression on mine.

“Please don’t say things like that,” I groan.

“So fragile,” she teases me. “Just like your dad was.” And now both of our eyes water because losing him was the hardest thing that has ever happened to us. He was so good. So kind. So loving, and life is cruel for taking him away.

Mom sees the shadows starting to creep in and places her hand on mine, changing the subject. “So, you are having intimate relations with this girl and…?” she prods me, and I sigh.

“And today, Vee saw her and asked if she would be her new mom because she really needs one.”

My mom grows silent, watching my every emotion, and squints slightly. “Den dialéyis tin ikoyéniá su. Íne dóra Theú ya séna, ópos ke esí yi' aftá.”You don’t choose your family. They are God’s gift to you, as you are to them.

“And what’s that supposed to mean, mom?”

“It means God had brought that woman into your life. She is your gift.”

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