Page 65 of My Heartless Soul

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“You don’t know her. You don’t understand…” I shake my head. “It’s not that easy. Kira isn’t one for feelings or relationships or family, and now Vee is walking around saying things like that. What do I do?” I leave out the part where she is a heartless witch who got me evicted from my own home and threatens me with my job if I don’t do as she says. Yeah, my mother doesn’t need that kind of stress.

But Kira is the farthest thing from a gift. She might be a bomb that was left at your door to kill you.

“It doesn’t matter what I do or don’t understand.” She starts coughing. Talking a lot always causes her throat to be sore, and I rush to the side table, reaching for her water and passing it to her.

“Thank you, baby boy. Listen, everything happens for a reason. Everything. And what happened with Viola and now this Kira girl? It was all meant to be.”

“I can’t stand behind that logic, mom. Because I refuse to believe that dad had to die, and you are fighting this asshole cancer.”

“Your father took everything way too close to his heart, and it killed him. I, on the other hand, always put that plastic wrap in the microwave when I heated up my food. I knew it would kill me one day.”

I groan, “Mom, not that again. Covering your food while you warm it up doesn’t kill you.”

She’s been joking about the whole plastic wrap theory since she first got diagnosed, and of course, she smiles again when she says it this time.

“Maybe it does, maybe it doesn’t. But you and I know why I got sick right after dad passed away.” The conversation grows heavy once again as her eyes start to swim.

My parents were soulmates, and mom believes she got sick only to be with him once again. A bit morbid if you ask me, but what do I and doctors know, right?

“Bring her over.”

“Who? Victoria?”

“Well, of course, I want to see my only granddaughter, but I meant her future mother.”

“Mom,” I groan, tipping my head back. “I knew telling you about all this was a mistake.”

“No. No mistakes. Everything happens for a reason.”

Chapter thirty-one


Song: Sam Smith – Fire on Fire

“Is there something on my face, Levidis?” I snap because this is the fifth time I catch his eyes on me throughout this dinner service, and it’s not the “I want you naked” eyes. It’s the “are you alright?” ones.


“Then get back to plating. Your steak is crooked. The foam is dying as we speak, and the sauce is too thick.”

“Glad to see you are back to yourself in full force,” he mumbles but doesn’t push me further. He never does at work. He draws that professional line without any wavering, and for some reason, it pisses me off.

For some reason, I want him to push. I want him to dig deeper. To keep asking until I have to tell him. But he won’t snap. He won’t push me. We have decided that hot sex in my office was a one-time thing, and he is sticking to it—damn it. That iron control of his as strong as ever. Me? I am being irrationally angry about it—what else is new—so I’m keeping up my bitch routine.

At one point, I heard one of the line cooks whisper to Vas, “Man, I don’t know how you put up with her outside of work.You wouldn’t pay me enough for that.” And I might have listened extra hard for his response, which never came.

He didn’t take bait from me or anyone else. Or maybe he agreed with the other guy. It wouldn’t be all that surprising.

“Good service, everyone. Thank you for your hard work,” Vassar tells the whole crew as the last order I was dreading is out.

“It’s their job. The one they get paid for, so what exactly are you thanking them for?” I raise an eyebrow at him while everyone watches us like their favorite reality TV.

“Why are you still here? I thought you left long ago.” He proceeds to clean up his space, ignoring my comment.

“Well…” The saccharine voice is back, and he hears it too, based on the slight tension in his shoulders. My Vassar knows something “good” is about to come out of my mouth. “I am waiting for my boyfriend, aren’t I?”

“Sure.” He clicks his tongue and keeps wiping the prep table, but with extra force. Sucks for him I am here for the arm porn.
