Page 94 of My Heartless Soul

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“Stop mocking me.” I smack his arm playfully but make no attempts to move off his lap.

“Ouch, violent much this morning? Did I not fuck you enough last night, witch?” His face is beyond smug and that’s when I get irritated enough and slip off him.

“Would you stop with that ridiculous nickname? Every freaking employee calls me that.” And I might hate it, but I’ve never showed it. Pretending I don’t care.

“Look at me.” He takes my chin, trying to turn my head his way, but I refuse, crossing my arms in front of my chest, and he sighs. “Why did I have to fall in love with the most infuriating woman out there?”

“It’s not too late to go find someone less complicated,” I huff like a child I am when it comes to this man.

“Yeah, it is. Because you are my little witch who bound me with her spell from the very first day, I stepped into your kitchen.” I freeze, the cheek I was chewing on gets left alone. “That’s why I call you a witch, Kira. Not because those fools think of you as one of those perpetually angry, single grandmas who live to bring pain to others.”

“Wow, gee, thanks for really clarifying what my employees think of me.”

“Will you look at me?” He laughs, and I begrudgingly turn my narrowed gaze at his stupidly handsome face.

“Did you just say I put a spell on you?”

“Yes, I did.”

“You have worked for me for five years, Vassar, and the only thing I ever got from you was hidden hate or indifference until a month ago.”

“That’s because I wanted you so bad. You were my obsession, I tried to hide. I had to make myself hate you. Or at least I kept telling myself that I do when, in reality, you stole my heart from that very first day, and I was arrogant enough back then that I was going to try and ask you out, but that was also the same day I found out Viola was pregnant with Victoria and every idea Imight have had got placed into a small box I preferred to ignore. Hence my indifference. Or so I made it seem.”

My jaw drops and all I can do is stare at this man who just opened a whole other side of himself to me. The one I’ve felt on some level these past five years.

Chapter forty-four


“Ihate this,” I bristle on the side while I watch Vassar and the rest of the team prep and prep and prep for the dinner ahead.

“Hate what?” He asks me.

“You are stuck here for what, eighteen hours every day?”

“Yeah, I think so. It’s never seemed to bother you before,” he says while bagging the squab into the sous vide pouches to prep them for the dinner service ahead.

I’ll never get tired of watching him work. Seeing those dexterous fingers sensually rub meat, fish, and whatever else he is making. My pussy will never stop clenching when he brings that tasting spoon to his mouth and licks it with a pleasure hum that goes straight to my aching sex. Or even when he cleans the prep table, flexing those corded, veiny arms I am crazy about.

“Well, before I wasn’t as invested in having your hands on me instead of that bird,” I complain, nearly panting from just watching him and Vas chuckles in that throaty voice of his.

Great, another jolt to my already overly needy vagina.

“It’s the industry you and I chose. Sorry, I am not such a big shot and can’t simply show up to dinner services from time to time.”

“Oh, shut up. A, you are almost as big of a deal as I am.”

Vas throws his head back, laughing. “Wow, thank you, oh the almighty Chef, for finally realizing my worth.”

“I swear I should’ve chosen literally anyone else to be my fake boyfriend.” Vas leans into me and smacks a loud kiss on my lips, effectively bringing all the attention to us, and since we usually keep our little trysts and show of any kind of affection locked behind my office doors, his action is startling, but he doesn’t seem to care.

It’s as if last night completely changed it all for us, and there is no holding back anymore.

“No, you couldn’t because you were also secretly in love with me from day one.”

“Okay, I wouldn’t go that far.” I level him with a look.

“Admit it, baby.”
