Page 35 of Her Exception 3

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“I’m your good girl,” she moaned, jerking against me.

“Mhm,” I moaned, hardening my strokes against her as I came. “Fuck, bae.”

Pressing back onto me, Maritza forced me to lean back onto the heels of my feet. She bounced up and down as I throbbed inside of her, not stopping until she milked me for the rest of my cum.

* * *


My feet stopped moving the moment I saw Maritza seated behind my desk. She had balloons, a cake, and a large teddy bear waiting for me. All I could do was chuckle and shake my head as I stepped inside. I told her I never made a big deal out of my birthday and didn’t plan to start this year, but I should have known she wouldn’t listen.

She stood and walked over to me in a red dress that accentuated every one of her curves. “Happy birthday, baby.”

“Thank you, but I told you I didn’t want anything for my birthday.”

“And I told you that was bullshit.” Her arms wrapped around my neck. “I’m happy you’re alive and in my life, so I’m going to celebrate you.”

I lowered myself to her lips and gave her a kiss, but the sound of a knuckle knocking on my door forced me to pull away. At the sight of Violet, I loosened my hold around her. We didn’t have anything in the bylaws against romantic fraternizing, but there were stiff penalties if a personal relationship affected the firm in a negative way.

“How did you get him to let you do something for his birthday?” Violet asked with a small smile.

“I didn’t wait for him to let me; I just did it.”

As she walked away, I couldn’t stop myself from looking down at her round ass. My mind immediately went back to last night and how it looked jiggling against me. Needing to settle my thoughts before my dick got hard, I walked around my desk as I asked Violet, “What can I do for you?”

She sat in the chair on the left side of my desk and cupped her hands in her lap. “Can I trust you, Jeremy?”

“Instead of playing this game where you ask me questions you already know the answer to, why don’t you just tell me what’s going on?”

“I received several emails from Amaru and Parker’s clients saying they wanted to go with them when they left at the end of this month. And the ones who didn’t ask to be released from the firm have requested to be represented by either Maritza or Sakura.”

I stared at her for a few seconds waiting for her to continue. When she didn’t I asked, “And?”

“And how in thefuckdid they know to have their clients do that in order to maintain their representation?” she seethed. “What are they up to, giving their clients to the sisters?”

That was another piece of free game I offered. Since Maritza and Sakura were coming with me, they’d be able to bring their clients, and the guys, without any blockage from Violet. Once they were gone, they would return the clients to Amaru and Parker.

“It’s not that scandalous of a thing, Violet. You were there the day Amaru met them, correct? He offered them his clients that were on retainer for criminal charges. Is it that much of a stretch that they suggested or recommended the sisters as attorneys to work with in their stead?”

“You expect me to believe you had nothing to do with this?”

“I don’t give a damnwhatyou believe.”

She scoffed and shook her head. “I thought I could trust you.”

“And I thought I could trust you,” I repeated louder than I wanted to, causing those who were walking by to look in my office. “But you lied to me for the last five years. So I don’t really give a fuck if you trust me or not, Violet.”

“So, this is what we’ve come to?” I shrugged, refusing to offer her anything she could take and run with. “After everything I’ve done for you, this is how you repay me?”

“What the fuck are you talking about, Violet?”

“I know you’re planning on leaving! Your father is so proud that his son is taking over that he’s been talking about it all over town. You think I haven’t heard the rumors?”

“If you haven’t heard that from me, it’s irrelevant.”

Violet chuckled as she stood. “Should I be expecting your resignation soon?”

I couldn’t say yes. If I told her I planned to leave and she chose to fire me to avoid me being able to amend some clauses in my contract and help everyone else do the same, we would all be screwed. This would only work if I operated as the partner who released them. That way, I could keep the non-compete clause from being an issue. I’d never been a liar, especially when it came to Violet, and I didn’t want to start now. But at this moment, I had to do what was best for the people that were counting on me, and even myself.
