Page 19 of Coming Home

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I see Valerie approaching me, but I'm not in the mood for cattiness tonight, even if it's her party. I sidestep her as she comes up to me, but she blocks my path.

“What do you want, Valerie?” I ask, hoping to just get her out of my face.

“Samantha, I'm sorry but I think you need to see this,” she says as she holds up her phone.

“Yeah, so you’re making out with some football player, that's nothing new.” I try to push the phone out of my face, but she won’t budge.

“Look again, Samantha.” I glance at the phone again, but my eyes are drawn to the player with his back to the camera.

It’s Asher’s jersey, number 16. My stomach drops and I feel bile come up my throat.

“You guys have been friends for so long that he didn’t know how to tell you we are seeing each other.” Valerie smiles, looking like the Grinch who stole Christmas.

I sneer at her smug face, “You know what, you can have him. You never did mind sloppy seconds.”

I’m somewhat satisfied when her face drops into a frown. I don’t wait for her to form a comeback; I leave the party.

I hear Asher’s voice calling me as I walk down the street toward the Treehouse. I don’t want to go home. I walk faster, practically at a run, but my little legs are no match for his.

He finally catches up to me, coming to a stop in front of me. “Sam, didn't you hear me call you?” He takes one look at my hurt and angry face and reaches out for me. “Sam, what's wrong?”

“You!” I scream, pulling away from him. “You just couldn't be satisfied, huh?”

“Sam, what are you talking about?” he asks, reaching for me again, but this time I slap his hand away.

“Don’t you fucking touch me you cheating shit!” I’m trying but failing to keep my emotions in check. I don't want to give him the satisfaction of seeing me cry.

His expression turns confused. “Cheating? What the hell are you talking about?”

“I saw the pictures of you with that jersey-chasing slut. You can go back to her and you both can go fuck yourselves,” I grind out through clenched teeth.

Asher blocks me from walking past him. “Sam, stop, I don't know what you're talking about. I’ve never cheated on you, I wouldn't do that to you.”

“I can’t stand the sight of you. Leave me the hell alone, you piece of shit. Why don’t you go back and ask Valerie about the picture of you two.” I walk off leaving his bewildered face on the sidewalk.

They always deny and pretend you’re the one who’s acting crazy for not trusting them, I think to myself as I recall the many arguments between my mom and dad about him cheating on her.

Well, I've seen the proof, and he can deny it all he wants.

Chapter Six


The launch event for my new sneaker line is spectacular. I still can’t believe we got Transcend Events to do the job. Their name as the event planners made all the difference with the press and presentation alike.

I had to leave Willowcreek for Chicago to get everything ready for the event. But what happened between Samantha and I weighs on me, to the point that I am having trouble focusing on anything else.

Even after two days, our kiss in the Treehouse still sticks with me. The taste of her lips. The sound of her breathy moan. The feel of her body close to mine. It all comes down to one simple fact—I fucking miss her.

To this day, I still don’t understand why she ended things back then, but when I return to Willowcreek, I will make it my mission to ensure she can’t avoid me anymore. But for right now, I have to try and focus on the launch party and my guests.

Up on the 95th floor, the hotel’s banquet room has been transformed to showcase my new sneaker line. The lights and music create the perfect energetic and fun atmosphere.

My assistant, Conner, approaches me and hands me a glass of champagne. This is my second one tonight, and my last. I need to be sober and on my toes to talk to any potential investors that might find my line worthy.

Conner raises his glass to the room. “Mr. Stoll, this is amazing. When that first company bailed, I almost had a heart attack. I didn't think Transcend Events could pull it off in such a short amount of time. No wonder they are the number one event company in Chicago.”

I raise an eyebrow. “I still can’t believe they agreed to the job. How did we manage to snag their services? I was told they are usually booked out over two years ahead? Don't get me wrong, I'm happy. They did a great job.”
