Page 27 of Coming Home

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“Come on, I know you were back in Chicago at the same time Asher was, and that your company did the event planning for his launch,” Madison says, looking like the cat that got the cream. “That was three days ago already. I think I’ve been more than patient enough with you, so spill.”

“Shhhh,” I tell her. “Madi, this is a small town. The walls have goddamn ears around here. Keep it down.”

“I agree with Madi, we need all the deets,” Kylie pushes before taking a bite of her coffee crumble. “You guys must have crossed paths there.”

“Crossed paths, mouths, pelvises…” Madi adds dreamily.

I palm my face. “Jesus Madi, please don’t corrupt sweet Kylie.”

Kylie shakes her hand in denial. “She’s not doing anything. I'm totally invested in this love story.”

Madi snorts. “Fuck if it isn’t. I’m living vicariously through you, so bitch you better make a love story happen. Kylie and I are on some serious dry spell here, and we need a little pick me up.”

“Speak for yourself,” Kylie mutters slyly, and we both look at her in shock. She covers her mouth, as if she didn’t intend for us to hear that.

“Oh, no. I need to hear this,” I say, trying to divert the attention from myself.

But Kylie shakes her head. “You tell me yours,” she sing-songs.

Madi eyes Kylie like a bloodhound scenting prey. I pity the poor girl. There is no getting away when Madi sets her sights on you.

I sigh, no use trying to steer them off topic. “Asher and I did see each other at his launch event.”

Madi slaps her forehead. “Damn, I wish I was a fly on the wall for that.” She moves closer, practically on the edge of her seat. “Tell me, was it worth it? Was his dick bigger than you remember from high school? Please tell me he made you come at least once or twice. Oh, tell me he fucked you in ways I only dream about?”

“God Madi, didn’t your mother ever wash your mouth with soap?” Kylie asks her jokingly.

Madi shrugs, “She tried once, but I let loose a stream of cuss words so loud and long she ended up using the soap for her ears.” She directs her attention to Kylie. “Honey, haven't you ever listened to boys talk about women? If you think I’m bad, you would probably never talk to a guy again. But we’re getting off-topic. Please, Sam, continue.”

“I’m not giving you any details you perve, but I’m willing to say that I was very satisfied. We saw each other at the event, and we went to his room, and had a good time.”

Madi’s brows draw together. “Wait, Sam, you two are like fated mates or something. Are you saying that's it? Just a good time?”

“What do you want me to say, Madison?” I ask, frustrated. “That I got carried away? That for a minute I let go and allowed myself to feel for him again?”

She looks me in the eye and answers, “Yes. People change, Samantha. We are not the same as we were in high school. We haven't been keeping in touch and so much has changed in all our lives. Let him in, how can you deny the possibilities if you never give them a chance.”

Kylie nods vigorously. “Yeah, give yourself this chance. I think Asher is a good guy, and he’s always adored you.”

I look down at my untouched coffee. “I don’t think I can handle it if I get my heart broken again, guys.”

“You can’t live your life in fear, Sam,” Madi tells me. “You have to let go and let love in again. You're just not cut out to be a cat lady.”

I appreciate their advice and it resonates with me. I can’t live my life in fear of getting hurt again. Asher could be someone great in my life if I can just stop being such a chicken.

After lunch, the girls and I decide to hit the carnival at the town park, and just make the rest of the day something of a girl's day out.

We’re competing against each other in the water gun game, and Madison and I are losing badly to Kylie, when the guys show up.

“Damn girl, remind me not to piss you off. You got game,” Jaxson comes up and puts his arm around her shoulder.

Her winning streak slows, and the game ends with her winning a stuffed polar bear.

“Jax, you dipshit! You made her lose her concentration,” Madi says, drawing him and Kylie away. “Come on, you owe Kylie a bigger stuffed toy, and by God, you're going to get it for her.”

As they walk away, Madi calls back to Knox, “Come on, you're being a third wheel.”

Knox scratches his head and looks after them. “Yeah, I better go make sure Madi doesn’t bleed Jax dry on the games.”
