Page 4 of Partner Material

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Has anyone seen Margo?

Margo - please call me ASAP.

“Shit shit shit.” Gerald was the relationship partner on the Langford deal. I must have missed his calls while I was deep in the agreement.

“Keep scrolling,” Cynthia said ominously.

To: Reed, Gerald, NY - All Partners;

NY - All Associates

From: Markman, Andrew

Subject: Re: MARGO CALL ME

I think I saw her head to Cipriani for lunch.

“That asshole! Why would he throw me under the bus like that?” Even as I asked the question, I knew this was payback for my words in the kitchen earlier. Andrew fought fire with fire.

Cynthia shook her head “That’s seriously messed up. He really hates you, girl. I’ve never been able to figure it out.”

I was practically shaking with anger.

“I need to calm down and call Gerald. He probably misplaced a file again.”

I took a few deep breaths and dialed Gerald from my office line, so he knew I was at my desk like a good little minion instead of on my cell in the Cipriani bathroom.

“Margo, where the hell have you been?”

“Deep in this asset purchase. Sorry, I had my notifications turned off.”

Cynthia grimaced. We both had a rule of never apologizing but being on Gerald’s bad side was worse than the humiliation of saying sorry.

I could hear him grumbling in the background. “Where are we on the Langford deal?”

“Melanie accepted our counteroffer on price today. We’re just hammering out the final terms now.”

“Great. I want a draft on my desk by tomorrow morning.” He hung up.

I let my forehead thump onto the desk. “Well I guess I’m definitely pulling an all nighter now. And now Gerald is involved. He’s going to mess this up. Freaking Andrew. If he hadn’t sent that email, Gerald would be ignoring me like he usually does.”

Gerald, while odious at times, was perfectly content to let me run with his deals while he guzzled gin martinis. But now he would be adding cryptic comments in the margins and making me go down rabbit holes to resolve some point of law that was purely academic.

Cynthia reached over and patted my shoulder. “It’s okay. You had to do the drafting eventually.”

“I know,” I moaned. “But now Gerald will start interfering. Remember when he sent the wrong draft out last week to Mr. Birman? Guess who had to apologize?”

Cynthia nodded sympathetically. She had carved out a pleasant niche for herself, working the occasional deal for Gerald and otherwise almost exclusively for two other partners who let her do whatever she wanted. I was convinced Dan was terrified of her and refused to mark up her work because of it.

Freaking Andrew. He continued to prove that he was in fact a demon in human skin.

“I should have known better than to dance with the devil,” I muttered under my breath, opening a new email.

To: Markman, Andrew

From: Clarke, Margo

Subject: what the hell?
