Page 29 of Carved in Scars

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“Well, what is it?”

“Sell nudes to old pervs on the internet,” she smiles.

“Okay, no. Fuck that. You’re definitely not doing that.”

“What makes you think you have a say in it?” she asks before she jumps out of the car.

I take a second to roll my fucking eyes and mutter a few choice profanities under my breath before I do the same and jog to catch up with her.

“Well, how much money do you have? How much do you need?”

“I have just over two thousand dollars,” she says.


“And I figure I can live on two thousand a month—and if I have enough money for three months, then I’ll be okay.”

“Okay. Okay, so…maybe we just need to steal a lot of money from…someone who deserves it. You know, like the TV showDexter, but with stealing. What about your aunt and uncle?”

“No,” Ally says. “If I steal from them and run, they’ll send the cops after me. They’ll know.”

“Okay, someone else, then.”

“You find me someone I can steal that much money from and get away with it, and I’ll stop doing this. But I have to go. I’ve missed two classes already, and I have no idea what I’ll say to get out of this.”

“Well, you’re a girl. Can’t you just like…blame period stuff or something?”

“That’s offensive.”


“But also…not a bad idea. Maybe I’ll tell Martinez I bled through my pants. I bet he’ll be terrified.”

“See?” I tell her. “I’m useful. I’m a problem solver; you should keep me around.”

“You’re good for more than that,” she says.

“Oh, yeah? Like what? Be specific.”

“Bye, Devon,” she says.


I grab her hand and pull her back into me, then lean down and kiss her. Her lips part for me, and I slide my tongue past them, tasting her mouth for only a second before she pulls back.

“You know, you’re really beautiful,” Ally says.

“I feel like I’m the one who is supposed to say that,” I tell her.

“I mean it,” she says. She starts to walk away, and I follow before she shoves me. “Go the other way, Devon. Don’t walk next to me, seriously.”

I shake my head but hang back anyway as she turns the corner down the hallway. “Bye, Ally.”

I can play this game if she wants…for a while. I lean against the wall and watch as she walks to her locker, passing Mr. Parks on the way.

“Hargrove, I didn’t see you in study hall. You going to be at practice this afternoon?” he asks.

“Yeah, I’m feeling better now,” she says.
