Page 151 of The Moral Dilemma

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“So? Do you think that I care?”

“I—I don’t know,” I stammer.

“Ah, sweetheart. I guess I’ll have to prove to you just how much I don’t. But not now. Not here. And certainly not until your shoulder is healed and you’re not in pain anymore,” he states glibly.

“Oh,” I blink. “And…” I wet my lips as I look up at him. “How would you prove that to me?”

No sooner are the words out of my mouth than he groans.

“Not the right moment, Luce. It’s not the right time for you to put those images in my brain.”

“Oh,” I repeat, blushing. “I see.”

“No, you don’t. But I promise you that you will,” he drawls, kissing the inside of my wrist. “The moment we’re done with this, I’m taking you to a courthouse, I’m making you my wife, and I’m moving you in with me.Thatis a promise.”

I don’t know how to reply to that.

Is it too fast?

Is it too… intense?

Is it too fantastical?


But I don’t care.

No, I can’t find it within myself to care. Not when I’ve felt adrift my entire life, but when I’m with him I finally feel at peace—home. There’s also the fact that I’ve been in love with him for years, always wonderingwhat if. But not anymore. Now, I can turn all those dreams into reality, and I’m not going to let any of my doubts stop me.

So what if I’m still not very comfortable in my own skin, or that I’m a little wary about the intimacy that takes place between a man and a woman? I trust that with his help, I’ll slowly break out of my shell—no, IknowI will.

“Okay,” I answer, my lips tipping up. “I just have one request.”

“Hm?” he asks, returning my smile as he pushes a strand of hair behind my ear. “Anything for you, Luce.”

“Can we…” I clear my voice, a little embarrassed by my request. “Can we take it slow? Physically I mean. I’m a little scared,” I admit.

I know Noelle assured me that sleeping with the man you love is not the same as the violent rapes I’ve witnessed, yet the images will not leave my head—nor the times I’ve come close to being a victim too.

“Oh, Luce,” he exhales pointedly. “You don’t even have to ask. I’ll always go at your pace,” he vows. “It’s going to be something new for both of us, and I want it to be equally special and comfortable for you.”

I smile, pleased with his answer.

Taking a step forward, I raise myself onto the tips of my toes and I plant a quick kiss at the corner of his lips.

“Thank you,” I whisper. “Thank you for valuing my choices.”

He smiles against my lips. Brushing his mouth against mine, he starts to deepen the kiss when a loud cry erupts from the bedroom.


“I’m here,” I reply, hurrying to get some towels and a bucket of water. I tell Nikki to stay behind and wait for my signal should I need his help.

When I reach Noelle’s side, I note how pale and terrified she looks.

“I’m scared,” she whispers. “What if something happens?”

“Nothing will happen,” I do my best to comfort her, laying a cool towel on her forehead.
