Page 43 of Monster’s Magic

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I lift my brow and cross my arms over my chest. “Okay, fine. Let’s talk.”

He nods and opens his mouth, but I cut him off.

“Tell me she’s lying,” I bite out.

Shayde just stares at me. His mouth opens, closes, opens again, but he says nothing.

“Right. You’ve told me everything I need to know. Now get away from me,” I yell and shove past him. I shouldn’t have touched his arm because doing so triggers something inside me to want to touch him again. It’s a need, a longing to be near him.

And it pisses me the fuck off even more.

“What does this claiming mean?” I stand with my back to him for a moment, unsure if I’m asking the right question, or even asking it the right way. When he doesn’t answer, I face him. “Answer me, Shayde. What does claiming mean?”

“It means no one else—”

“Not that part,” I interrupt. “This,” I motion with my hands around my body. “Whatever this is I feel inside me. I touch you and something me pulls me toward you, no matter how hard I fight it.”

“That’s the claiming,” he answers in a soft octave. “It will always be there, because I love you.”

“Ugh,” I groan and turn my back to him. “Again, eat a fucking dick.”

I start toward my phone when the mirror awakens with another traveler coming through. It must be Evie. She’s the only other one who—

I almost fall on my ass when I see Dafni fucking Frangidi step through.

She tosses her blonde hair over her shoulder and grins a mischievous smile. “Miss me?”

“Fuck you,” I reply. “How did you find my hiding spot?”

“Pendulum. Ever heard of it?” She rolls her eyes.

“Wow, you must be desperate to use your shit to locate me. Or you have a thing for me, or something. I don’t know,” I taunt. “I mean, you could just leave well enough alone, but no, you seem to turn up everywhere I am, so that either makes you a stalker, admirer on a much deeper level, or you’re fucking insane and need to be locked away.”

“You wish I was your stalker, unlike elf boy here, huh, Shaydey-poo?” She reaches for him and Shayde slaps her hand away.

“Don’t fucking touch me. You disgust me.” He takes a step back away from her.

“Oh, boo. You don’t like me anymore,” she asks, mimicking a little girl’s voice. “Well, boo-fucking-hoo.” She turns back to me. “As for you, it’s time for you to go down, once and for all. You should have died that day with mommy and daddy.”

I take in a deep breath and can feel the darkness inside me begin to spiral out of control. The hairs along my arms and neck stand on end. Power radiates down my limbs and I can feel it just on the tips of my fingers. “Talk about my parents again. I dare you.” I surprise myself how calm and even my voice is. It’s so calm it even frightens me. “Or the next words out of your mouth will be by me when I control your corpse.”

Dafni gasps. “Is that a threat?”

“Not at all. That is a fucking promise,” I answer. “I dare you. Do it. Go ahead and cash in early on your funeral. I’ll let mommy dearest know how you went down. Your head stone will read, “Here lies Dafni, the turd who loved to shove pieces of shit inside her twat to masturbate with.”

Dafni screams and lunges toward me. I start to move out of the way when Shayde grabs her by the scruff of her shirt and pulls her back.

“Don’t. Teagan is much stronger than you know. You’re no match for her,” he declares.

Surprise must cover my face because when Shayde looks my way, he does a double take. “No. You don’t get to defend me after you helped in having my parents killed.”

Shayde sighs. “Would you let me explain. Please?”

Dafni gets herself loose from Shayde’s grip. “She can’t even control her fucking powers yet.” She shoves my ex to the side.

My ex, wow, that’s weird.

She stomps her foot like a toddler. “Whose side areyouon?”
