Page 44 of Monster’s Magic

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Shayde looks between Dafni and me, then he snarls, lifting his face toward the sky. He morphs into full monster mode. He’s so fucking huge when he’s like this, and intimidating, but I stand my ground.

Dafni giggles and claps her hands. I guess she thinks she won something. “You’re gonna die. You’re gonna die.” She’s taunting me like a kid would on a school playground.

When Shayde just stands there, breathing, staring at me, it’s then I realize he looks lost. I see the sadness in his monstrous, blazing eyes.

Does this forgive the act?

Fuck no, but he’s not killing me, that’s for damn sure.

“Fucking kill her,” Dafni screams.

Shayde lets out a growl I can feel down to my bones. “No!”

“Fine,” she says and pushes her sleeves up. “Then I’ll do it myself.” Dafni opens her palm and conjures a blue fireball.

I take an involuntary step back. Blue fire is death to mortals but to necromancers, it would knock me on my ass for a few hours. “I don’t understand why you hate me so much. What did I ever do to you,” I ask.

“You were born. Your family legacy. The fact your family should be ruling and not mine. Shall I go on?” She twirls her fingers through the flame.

I look at Shayde and he’s starting to lean forward to leap into action.

Will he attack Dafni or protect me?

Dafni grins and she hurdles the azure flame directly toward me. My eyes widen and scrambling backward, I lose my footing and stumble. I scream and cover my head. I can feel the heat begin to descend upon me and I know it’ll be seconds before my skin incinerates. I hear death itself is not painful, but the act of dying itself is, and begging for it to happen could be even worse.

Expecting to feel something, anything, I flinch when I hear Shayde scream, “No.”

I start to open my eyes, but as the scene unfolds before me, all I can see is Shayde’s body flying through the air, taking the brunt force of the flying fireball, just as he lands atop me, knocking me to my back. Pain erupts on the backside of my head and as I start to reach for it, I’m unable to move.

I’m not sure what’s happening to me, but the more I try to move, the harder it becomes. I can’t even tell the beast of a creature to get the fuck off me so Icanmove. Darkness descends upon everywhere I look; I cannot stop it from becoming a deeper shade of black.

I feel a rumble in my chest, me attempting to scream out, but the only thing that emits is a sigh as I allow myself to be taken by the darkness.


No one preparesyou for the scent of smelling salts until the aroma of it is in your nose. I cough and shake my head, trying to get the horrid smell out of my nose. It can only be described as a mixture of urine and sweat, and it’s disgusting.

Looking around the room I’m in, it’s not familiar and I’m trying to remember how I ended up here. I glance down… bound to a chair.

What the fuck happened?

The scene hits me like a playback of a movie.

Dafni drilled a fireball toward me. And Shayde.

My heart breaks all over again and I close my eyes. Fucking Shayde. Goddamned motherfucker seduced me just to get close enough to fuck me over after trying to kill me with my parents. There’s a special place in Hell for him.

My heart almost leaps out of my chest and fear strikes hot when a hand slaps across my mouth.

“Do not scream.” It’shim. His breath is just against my ear and I fight every instinct to not want to give in and let him kiss along my neck.

Fucking claimed mates shit.

Fuck that.

He removes his hand and I twist to look over my shoulder, hoping to see him.

“Shayde,” I call out his name. I see him, bent down just behind my right side. “Where the hell am I? And were the smelling salts necessary?” When he doesn’t answer, I continue. “Say something or I’ll scream.” I give him two seconds and start whaling as loud as I can.
