Page 74 of Tempted Away

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You don’t realize how much space tables and chairs take up until you have twenty tables and eighty chairs you need to store.

She takes a deep breath. “I love the way it smells. What’s under there?” she asks, walking towards my secret project I keep hidden under a tarp.

“Just something I’m working on.”

I grab her shoulders, steering her away from it, ignoring the look she shoots me. I’m not ready for her to see it yet. Soon, though.

I’m still holding onto her shoulders when she gives a little gasp.

“Oh my gosh, it’s the crib.” She reaches out, touching it, trailing her fingers over it. “I thought you sold it,” she murmurs.

As if I could sell it after seeing how much she loved it. That same day, Andrew and I wrangled it into my truck, and I brought it home. The looks he kept shooting me said he thought I was crazy.

“I saw a few spots that I must have missed and needed some work. So I brought it back. Besides, I needed the space for something else.” Lies, all lies.

“I don’t know. I think it’s perfect.”



THERE’S Asomber atmosphere when I walk into the office. The first place my eyes stray to is Justine’s desk. It’s empty. Even the cactus is gone. My normal greetings are met with subdued voices and an avoidance of eye contact. A sliver of unease shivers down my spine.

Joellene heads me off as I’m on my way to my office.

“Morning, Quinn. Margery has requested your presence in her office the moment you get in.”

Margery, head of HR. Of course. I nod and change direction. Every step I take feels like I’m marching to the gallows, all eyes trained on me. The cat’s obviously out of the bag, and the rumor mill has been working in overdrive, spreading the gossip like wildfire in a relatively small environment like this. I won’t be surprised if a rotten tomato hits me on the side of the head.

Phillip’s sitting across the desk from Margery and jumps up when I stop in the doorway. I don’t think I’ve ever seen him this angry. His hands are fisted at his sides, and there’s a vein pulsing on the side of his temple. I bet he’s burning up with the urge to take a swing at me.

“Quinn, come in and close the door behind you.”

I do as she asks and take a seat on one of the visitors’ chairs. Her eyes soften when she looks at Phillip, who’s still standing, his eyes glued to me. “Take a seat, Phillip.”

He’s reluctant but does as she asks.

“I’m sure you know why you’re here?”

The softness she had for Phillip is absent when she speaks to me. I nod. I have yet to say anything because there’s nothing I can say. After the other night, I knew this was coming. No matter how valuable I’ve been to this company, no matter how many hours of blood, sweat, and tears I’ve given them, it means nothing.

“A non-fraternization clause was included in the employee contract you signed. Our policies are in place to not only encourage staff members to keep their interactions at work professional, but also to protect the company from potential sexual harassment lawsuits.”

Sexual harassment my ass. She was a more than willing participant.

“It clearly states that any employee in breach can be fired without any further discussion. You signed it and were obligated to abide by its terms. You have left us no option but to fire you for breach of contract.”

“I’m going to make sure you never get a job in this town again.”

“Phillip, please. Let’s keep this to the facts.”

He shakes his head, his movement jerky. “No. I want him to understand just how screwed he is. I’ve already put the word out. Nobody is going to touch you.”

It’s not an empty threat because Phillip is connected, and many people owe him favors. I always knew this was a possibility, but I did it anyway. It might not have been as bad if I screwed anyone else, but his beloved niece? He’s out to destroy me.

I nod because there’s nothing left to say. It doesn’t matter that Justine was willing. I’ve been caught red-handed, the fat lady’s sung, the ball’s completely out of my court. I’m sure there are plenty more idioms to describe how completely and utterly screwed I am.

“Your personal items are boxed, waiting at reception. You can collect it on the way out.”
