Page 92 of Tempted Away

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THE ARRIVALof Fall marks the days bleeding into each other. Green turns into a sea of yellows, reds, and oranges. Soon, the carpet of leaves will become thicker, and the trees barer until the snow arrives to blanket everything under its fresh canopy. With the end of tourist season and the chill that replaces people, our town takes on a sleepier quality. Where before I could look out my window and watch the streets teeming with life, now they are often empty and deserted.

It’s been two months since Kallan left. We talk or text all the time, but it’s not the same as seeing his truck parked across the road. As seeing him opening and closing his shop. I can’t just pop across the road for a quick hello. His absence leaves a hollow ache in my heart. I miss his smile. I miss the low rumble of his voice.

Snapping fingers startles me from my melancholy thoughts, bringing me back to my surroundings.

“Are you even listening to me?” Piper says, her head cocked and her mouth pursed.

“Sorry, what were you saying?”

“I was saying,” she sighs with narrowed eyes, “that you should look around and take your pick.”

“Pick for what?” I do look around, but it’s a look of confusion. It’s your typical Saturday night at Frosty Frogs. The bar area is packed. All the tables and booths are occupied, and a band is belting out songs on the stage.

“Oh gosh, you’re hopeless.” Her eyes flick upward as if she’s beseeching patience from the heavens. So damn dramatic.

“You, girl, need to get back in the saddle. Quinn did a number on you, and it’s about time you reclaim your power. So, go ahead, pick someone that will make you feel sexy and desired.”

“And then what?” I ask, my voice flat. I know exactly what she’s suggesting I do, and even if she means well, I don’t appreciate my lack of a sex life being thrown in my face.

“Then you take him home and let him do all kinds of dirty things to you. Rebounds are good.”

“Just because that works for you doesn’t mean it works for me.”

I’ve thought about it. I mean, for the first time in my life I’m single, and I have options. Unfortunately, I’m just not wired that way. I’ve got nothing against one-night stands. I just know that it won’t work for me. I need more than a conversation that lasts an hour or two before I get into bed with someone.

Or maybe I’m just scared.

“How would you know unless you try?”

“Just drop it, Piper,” Maya says. For once, she’s sitting with us instead of serving us. The girl works too hard.

“Piper,” I say, reaching across the table and squeezing her hand. “I know you mean well. I just…it won’t help, okay?”

“I hate to see you hurting,” she says, her eyes softening.

I nod. I am hurting, but not in the way she thinks. I miss Kallan, and I’ve been moping around since he left.

“Oh, I forgot to tell you. Hadley messaged. She’ll be in town next month.”

“Hadley’s coming?” I ask Hannah, ignoring Rose’s groan and Maya’s eye-roll. “Why? I thought she’d put us in her rearview mirror years ago.”

“Apparently her dad’s quite sick.”

“She should just send a condolence card or something like that,” Rose mutters.

“That’s mean,” Maya chides.

“It’s not like there’s a lot of love lost there,” she shrugs, unconcerned.

“Does Ryan know?” I ask Hannah.

“I’m sure he’s the first one she contacted. She’s going to be trouble. Just you watch,” Rose predicts.


Kallan: Good morning, beautiful
