Page 19 of Savage Alpha

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I don’t need the drama.

The only exception is Meg, and that’s only when we’re both desperate. We have an understanding that we’re just friends with benefits, though that’s a loose term- she’s more Cheyenne’s friend than mine.

“Well I’ll see ya later, then?” Emily ventures, never one to give up easily.

“Sure, I’ll be around,” I reply noncommittally. I toss her a wave, adding a smile for good measure as I turn away and start down the sidewalk. I pass the door to Chey’s room, then Hank’s,mentally cataloging which rooms each of my pack members wound up in when we settled here as I make my way to the end and around the back side of the motel.

Every time we move to a new place, I make a point of memorizing who winds up where, and that’s how I do it- whenever I walk by, I test myself by associating the doors with names. Alpha Paul never bothered to keep track of little things like this, but I’m a different kind of alpha. One that actually gives a shit about his pack’s well-being and cares enough to make an effort.

I loop behind the motel, using the cover of the forest foliage to venture a bit further away before emerging from the trees and crossing the road. Once I re-enter the woods on the opposite side, I’m more cognizant of treading lightly, making minimal noise as I move through the brush and pausing every few paces to sniff the air and listen to my surroundings.

It doesn’t take me long to find what I’m looking for. Or rather,who. The six-pack put surveillance on us as soon as I told Maddox where we’d been staying- I’ll bet they think they’re being stealthy, but I clocked their guy the moment he posted up in the woods across the street. Perks of my tracker genes, I guess.

They’ve rotated a couple different people in over the last few days, and when I come upon today’s spy, I’m less than impressed. I’m able to creep up behind him on silent feet, getting close enough to tap him on the shoulder before he even notices me.

The guy whips around with a start, the color draining from his face when his eyes meet mine.

I mean, I know I’ve got the advantage of heightened senses, but any regular shifter should’ve heard me coming, which tells me that this dude is not on top of his game. For as infamous as the six-pack’s security measures are, they seem to be sorely lacking.

“I… wh…” he sputters, evidently unable to form a coherent word.

“Yeah, yeah, save whatever excuse you’re struggling to come up with,” I drawl, waving a hand dismissively. “I know you’re out here watching my pack so you can report back. And hey, I get it. I’d do the same thing if the roles were reversed. I’d probably get a spy who couldn’t be snuck up on so easily, though.”

His face goes from white to red, an embarrassed flush covering his cheeks.

I heave a sigh, folding my arms over my chest. “Look, I’m not here to issue threats or tell you to stop, or even to report back that you’re doing a shitty job.”

“Y… you’re not?” he stutters, blinking his big green eyes at me.

I shake my head, a friendly grin sliding into place. “Nah, man, I’ve got more important things to deal with,” I say jovially, clapping a hand down on his shoulder. “And here’s the thing… what’s your name?”


I nod, my grin widening. “Here’s the thing, Luke. I know you’re just out here on orders, and I’m sure you don’t have any personal vendetta against me or my pack, so I’m not gonna make a big fuss or run you off. But thereissomething that I need from you.”

“W-what?” he asks cautiously, his voice wavering.

This guy’s a real pussy. Lo should have someone better under her employ- I shudder to think thatthisis the type of manpower entrusted with keeping her safe. I’ll have to tell her that.

“Do you know Lo, the head of IT?” I question, maintaining intimidating eye contact while keeping the tone of my voice friendly.

“Lo Anderson?”

“Sure, yeah,” I nod. “I need her phone number.”

His brows draw together in confusion, his eyes flickering down my form suspiciously. “Why?”

“Luke,” I sigh, dropping my hand from his shoulder and scrubbing it over my face. “I just caught you out here spying on my pack. I don’t think you’re really in the position to ask questions, are you?”

He shakes his head.

I hold out my hand, palm up. “I’ll take that number now.”

His Adam’s apple bobs with a hard swallow as he subconsciously retreats a step, shoving a hand into the pocket of his jeans to grab his phone. He pulls it out, swiping the screen to pull up Lo’s contact before setting his phone in my waiting palm.

Strike two against this guy. He just handed over her contact details way too easily.

I take out my own phone, transferring over the number he has saved under ‘Squad Leader Lo’ before handing it back to him.
