Page 26 of Tempting Tiger

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“Feels like we never left,” his dad said. “Funny how you fall back into old habits even after you’ve been gone for some time.”

Elijah smiled. It felt damn good to have them there. “I have to get Grandma and Granddad in two hours. Do you want to come with me.”

“Let your dad rest,” his mom said. “I’ll come with you. I want to make sure my mom really is okay.”

“Sure thing, Mom,” Elijah said, nodding in agreement. “It’s been a while since you’ve seen them too.”

His mom smiled gratefully at him before taking another sip of water. Elijah was relieved that his parents finally got the chance to come visit him in Midnight Falls. He had missed them terribly, especially his mother. They were always so supportive of him, even when he had come out as gay. Elijah knew he was lucky to have parents like them.

After his parents settled in, Elijah headed to the kitchen to start on lunch. He decided on spaghetti and meatballs, a favorite of his mom’s. He was just finishing up the meatballs when the doorbell rang. He dried his hands on a towel and went to answer it.

As soon as he opened the door, he was met with Mason’s intense gaze, and his heart raced in his chest. Mason was dressed casually, in a black T-shirt and jeans, but he still looked like a goddamn model.

Mason cleared his throat. “Hey, Elijah. I hope I’m not interrupting.”

Elijah shook his head, finding his voice. “No, not at all. Come in.”

Mason stepped inside, his scent surrounding Elijah. It was a mix of musk and pine and something else that Elijah couldn’t quite place. It was enthralling. He closed the door behind Mason and turned to face him, his heart pounding harder now. He felt like he was on fire.

“I brought you something,” Mason said, holding out a brown paper bag.

Elijah took the bag, looking inside to find a container of food. “You’re spoiling me rotten. Too bad I already cooked lunch.”

One of Mason’s brows arched. “What did you cook?”

“Spaghetti and meatballs.”

When Mason licked his lips, Elijah felt like he would pass out. Every time he thought Mason was sexy, the guy upped the stakes.

“Who’s at the door, Elijah?” his mom asked from the living room, although she could see Mason as plain as day. They were all literally in the living room.

Mason chuckled. “Hello. I’m Mason.”

“Mason, these are my parents, Kit and Gregg Zalinski.”

Mason walked over, took Elijah’s mom’s hand, and kissed her knuckles. “It’s a pleasure to meet such a beautiful creature.”

Elijah rolled his eyes. “Stop laying it on so thick.”

“Shut up, Elijah,” his mom said as she blushed.

His dad harrumphed. “Stop flirting with my wife, Mason, or I’ll get my shotgun.”

“You don’t have a shotgun,” Elijah said. “Stop trying to intimidate him, or I’ll take away your remote.”

“You’ll have to pry it from my cold, dead hand,” his dad said, though Elijah knew the guy was just messing with him. His dad puffed his chest out a lot, but he really was a gentle soul.

Mason laughed, his eyes flickering over to Elijah. “It’s all right, sir. I’ll make sure to behave myself.”

Elijah couldn’t help but admire how Mason handled his parents with charm and grace. It was one of the many reasons he fell for him.

“So, Mason, how did you meet our Elijah?” Kit asked, her eyes twinkling with interest.

“Well, it’s quite a funny story actually,” Mason started, settling down on the sofa beside Elijah, who shifted closer to him.

“Funny how?” Gregg asked, setting aside his remote as he leaned in to hear the story.

Mason grinned. “Well, we met at a sex club.”
