Page 39 of Tempting Tiger

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“What about my grandparents?” Elijah asked.

“They’ll live with us,” Mason said. “Or we can hire a fulltime nurse.”

“But I don’t have that kind of money,” Elijah argued.

His mate never had to worry about money again. If Elijah wanted to work, so be it, but he didn’t have to.

“I do, and I’m more than willing to pay for their care. It’s the least I can do for my mate.” He glanced toward Elijah and saw the skepticism in his eyes. “Don’t give me that look.”

“What look?”

“The look that says I’m trying to get rid of them. I already told you they can live with us. I have plenty of room, and the nurse can live there, too.”

Mason was glad he had a tight hold of the steering wheel because Elijah launched himself at him, hugging him tightly. “I love you!”

Warmth spread through Mason. “I love you, too, hon.”

More than Elijah could possibly know.

When they arrived at Elijah’s house, Mason pulled to the curb and then ran around the hood to open his mate’s door. Although Mason was chivalrous, he wanted to make a good impression with the in-laws.

They walked inside to find not only Elijah’s parents in the living room but his grandparents, too.

“Looks like your eye is healing pretty fast,” Gregg said. “Damn shame Mason beat Kyle up without me there.”

Mason chuckled. “Sorry I hogged all the fun to myself, sir.”

Elijah glanced at Mason with a knowing look. Mason hadn’t touched Kyle, not since the day outside the door. Then his mate turned to his mom.

“I can’t believe you’re leaving already,” Elijah said. “Are you sure you can’t stay longer?”

His mom hugged him. “No, we have to get back, but we wanted to talk to you about something, first.”

Elijah looked at Mason, but Mason had no idea what was going on. It wasn’t as if his mate’s parents had filled him in on anything.

“Both of you, sit down,” Elijah’s father said.

Mason felt uneasy as he sat on the couch, Elijah sitting next to him. “Okay, you’re worrying me, Dad,” Elijah said.

“Nothing to worry about,” he said. “We’ve been doing some planning while we were away. I think it best we take Grandma and Granddad with us.”

“It’s a huge burden,” Elijah’s mom added. “We’ve set up nursing care for them in Florida, and they’ll live in the condo next to ours.”

“But…” Elijah looked between them. “You’re taking away the only family I have left here.”

“You have Mason,” his dad pointed out. “You two are just starting out, and you shouldn’t have this kind of responsibility, son.”

“Next year, around summer, why don’t you take some time off so you can see them?” his mom said. “I’ll make sure they FaceTime you often, Elijah.” She sat next to her son and held his hand. “You’re only twenty-seven, hon. You have a new relationship, a job that keeps you busy, and a social life. That’s what you should be concerned with.”

Mason slid his arm around his mate when unshed tears appeared in Elijah’s eyes. “We can go see them anytime you want, Elijah.”

“I knew he was a good guy with good character,” Elijah’s dad said. “We’ll take what we can of theirs and be back in a few months to clear their things out of the house. By the way, the house is yours, Elijah. We’ll be putting it in your name soon.”

Elijah wiped his eyes. “I don’t want the house. That’s not why I took care of them. I’m not Alan.”

His parents frowned, and so did Mason. “Who’s Alan?” he asked.

“Long story, but never be an Alan who can’t wait for his mom to die so he can inherit the house.”
