Page 83 of How We Hated

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I turn to face him for a brief second with a smile on my face, making sure he knows how thankful I am for his words even if only I can hear them.

The gym has been completely transformed into a wonderland with balloons and flowers lining the entrance and fairy lights strung from end to end, acting as the only lighting in the dimly lit room.

We all grab a table, and to my surprise, Dalton and I are able to sit next to each other without anyone making a big fuss about where everyone can sit. He leans back in his chair as I slide out the seat next to him, trying my hardest not to pay any extra attention to him.

Yes, I know everyone at this table knows what’s going on between us, but no one else in the school does, and we need to keep it that way. Sitting together like this is going to have people questioning things as it is, but thankfully, we can blame it on Marcus and Ashley if anything comes up. Anyone who sees them together knows they’re absolutely a couple, so I’m hoping all they see is two groups sitting together for the sake of their mutual friends.

Susie is itching to go dance and grabs my hand. “Please come dance with me?”

I slyly grin at Dalton over my shoulder and love when he raises his eyebrows at me in interest. He might not be able to dance with me, but nothing says I can’t put on a little show for him to enjoy.

I hop up, and Susie squeals her appreciation as wehead to the dance floor. “Body Like a Back Road” by Sam Hunt plays, and I sway my hips side to side, facing Dalton for a brief moment before turning around so my back is to him.

Knowing he’s watching me, I start to move in ways I never thought I could. As I run my fingers down my hips, I drop my head to the side. As I raise my arms over my head, I shimmy my ass, making it pop to the music. When I turn to face him again, I make sure my chest is on full display, pushed forward.

Our eyes meet, and it’s obvious what I’m doing is working.

His lips are slightly parted as he stares at me like I’m the only one in the room. When he licks his lips, tingles spread throughout my body as I imagine what his tongue would feel like on me.

I continue to dance around while our eyes stay locked on each other until Susie disrupts us by sliding in front of me with her eyebrows raised. She takes me by the hand and spins me around so I’m facing the other way.

“Obvious much?” she whispers to me, making me tense up. “Are you not trying to keep this a secret anymore?”

My stomach turns, and I cover my mouth as I head off the dance floor and to the girls’ restroom.

I assume Susie’s following me, so when I hear the restroom door open, I don’t think anything of it until I turn and see Dalton standing there.

“You can’t be in here.” I panic.

He steps up to me, pressing me against the counter. “I locked the door.”

His hands grip my face while his lips crash into mine. I instantly melt at his touch. All panic leaves my body, and I all I want is more. More of him. More of this.

He lifts me up onto the counter and nestles in between my legs. I wrap my arms around his neck, my legs around him and pull him closer to me, rubbing my core against him as our tongues dance in a forbidden language we’ve become very good at speaking.

There’s a knock on the door, and I freeze in fear until I hear Susie’s voice.

“Okay, don’t push your luck.”

We touch our foreheads together as we both laugh until he backs up and takes a deep breath while adjusting his pants.

“You stay here, and I’ll sneak out first.” He gives me one more quick kiss, then exits the restroom.

I turn around and am hit by my reflection—slightly swollen lips, my disheveled hair from where he ran his fingers through, bringing me closer to him, and my flushed skin from the heat he caused to race through my body.

Susie enters the restroom, whistling when she gets a look at me. “Damn … sorry I had to interrupt the party.”

I laugh as I cover my face in embarrassment. “What is he doing to me?”

She begins to fix my hair. “I don’t know, but something tells me it’s very good for you, and I’m super jealous. Stop stressing and enjoy it! He’s obviously a mess over you. You should have seen how concerned he was when we met in the hallway.”

“Really?” My voice is laced with hope that I know I shouldn’t have.

She levels her eyes with mine. “Really. Now, let’s go continue to put on a show that will drive him crazy.”

I bite my lower lip, loving how mischievous all of this makes me feel. “Okay.”

We walk out of the restroom, arm in arm, only to be met by Trish, standing at the door like she’s guarding it with her life. Her arms are crossed, and her eyebrows are raised when she locks eyes with me.
