Page 29 of Her Drag Barbarian

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How was her hand so big she was literally coveringbothof my cheeks?

“Nice of you to join us, Elowyn,” she said, and her voice was suspiciously warm and amused for someone who was supposed to be dead drunk.

Then I knew with one furious moment of realization that Sweet had orchestrated the whole thing to make the other queens panic and call me.

“Go work the crowd!” I snapped at them, and they all scattered.

As they all rounded the corner, I turned to kick Sweet in the balls, but, as usual, she was that much stronger and faster, flipping me around and trapping me on her chest.

“I ought to rip your balls out for this,” I said heatedly. “You’ve ruined my chance with Emilia.”

“if you’re wanting to grab something in my pants,” Sweet said, holding me so tightly that I couldn’t get away. “Try my dick.”

“Did you’re forget you’re gay, dumbass?” I shot back, drumming my heels as hard as I could on her shins.

“Not when it comes to you,” she said.

“Oh, stop annoying me, Sweet,” I said irritably, but her big arms only tightened around me, pressing me against her chest. “If you’re not drunk, go get another song started before they blow the roof off in there,” I hissed.



Shit, my dick is hard when I’m tucked, and that’s uncomfortable as fuck.

But I can’t stop remembering the feel of her ass under my hand. Or the sound of her angry squeal as I spanked her.

I looked out over the typical Sunday morning crowd, mostly wildly enthusiastic women, including a very drunk mayor’s wife. I didn’t think the drag club was going to be shut down today. The mayor was out taking a phone call, but he had taken a picture with us, so I knew we were safe for at least a while.

Then I saw Elowyn go up to one of the only men there, an uncomfortable-looking husband swaying awkwardly in the corner, very clearly a reluctant drag brunch participant.

I saw Elowyn bend over to him, her tiny sundress rising up until it was right under her ass. I wondered how pink she was there, and I felt my mouth go dry. I wanted to raise that little skirt up and see my marks on her ass.

I wanted to make more of them, then lick the sting away.

I saw her moving her hands as she talked to the lone man. Maybe explaining something, as she pointed to the bar.

Ah. Maybe reminding him that the mimosas were free. Usually an effective tactic.

I saw the man look up at her and smile. From that position he would have a perfect view of her tits in that sundress. Who the fuck wouldn’t smile at Elowyn? She was like fucking sunshine in a bottle. Suddenly something unfamiliar and deep twisted like a snake in my belly, like a dark obsession unfurling its power.


I didn’t know what the fuck I was feeling at first.

But as she put her hand on the table by him I felt it again.


I didn’t want anyone elsenearElowyn, anyone else’s eyes on her, anyone else touching her.

I tried to get control of myself. This was just because she was such a pain in the ass that it was tempting to control her like I controlled everyone else. Right?

Still. I didn’t want anyone else near her.

“I think I want someone to dance with me,” I said, jumping up on the tiny ledge between tables.

Elowyn ignored me completely, but I heard the excited squeals of the other patrons, drinks sloshing on the floor as they begged to be the one dancing with me. But I walked across the room on the ledge to El, plucking her up and away from the other man, and holding her tight in my arms.
