Page 41 of Her Drag Barbarian

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“I’m fine,” I bark, but then I remember El would be pissed if she heard me.

“Your flexibility is getting better,” I tell him.

Schwarb looks ridiculously, stupidly happy at even this half-ass praise, before nodding at me and leaving. He’s not so bad, really. I’ve seen queens start much worse.

I hear a littledingand I look down at El’s text.

Out with Adrian

I shake my head. El doesn’t believe I am serious. Maybe I can’t blame her. But she’ll have to realize soon.

Because I’ll never let anyone else have what’s mine.



Ireapplied my lipstick in the bathroom mirror at the restaurant and looked critically at the results. I had taken some care with my hair and dress, and I smoothed down my tight little black minidress. It wasn’t like what I normally wore, and this would prove that I was right.

Adrian is a real option, and Beau is just random aggressive sex against the wall, I told myself severely.

And random sex against the desk. And on top of the desk.

Yes, itwasthe best goddamn sex I had ever had.

Butno, that didn’t mean anything except that Beau was fully unhinged. But I expected he would be over it soon. I had never seen him with the same man, or, really, show any man any special attention.

As I told myself this over and over again, I hoped that the pep talk was finally beginning to take, so of course when I came out of the bathroom, the first thing I saw was Adrian at the table, and sitting next to him, wearing sweatpants and looking right at me with a shit-eating expression on his face was. . . Beau.

So much for him getting over it.

“Hello, El,” said Beau, and he gave me a smile that went straight to my stupid traitorous pussy. “I was just telling Adrian here that we had sex this afternoon and will have sex again after your date is over.”

My jaw dropped, and I forced my voice to stay steady. Adrian looked like a taxidermied prairie dog with his eyes fairly bugging out of his head.

“How did you find me here?” I asked, gritting my teeth together.

Beau leaned back. He did look ridiculously intimidating, and I could see why Adrian eyed him nervously. Huge arms. Big, long body with powerful thighs. Big-ass dick.

But Beau wasn’t even looking at Adrian. Just me.

“I walked around until I saw your car,” he said.

“What if I’d driven in his car?” I retorted, although that was hardly the main point.

“He’s lucky you didn’t,” Beau said.

I felt frozen for a second, the blood pumping hard and loud in my ears.

“What you need to know, Adrian,” Beau continued, his eyes on me, “is that El is mine. She can go on whateverdateswith you she wants. But she’ll be leaving withmeat the end of them.”

I felt like wringing his neck.

“Uh, I think I’m going to go,” said Adrian.

“No, don’t go, Adrian,” I said, trying to keep the panic out of my voice. “Beau is just joking. Because he’s an asshole. He’s going to go now.”

“No, I’m not,” said Beau, leaning back in the chair, his legs spread wide, and I could see the outline of that big dick in his pants.
