Page 4 of Chosen Boy

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“Trust me, I scrubbed my ass. And my balls too, just in case my girl’s feeling frisky.” He wiggles his eyebrows. “The fuck would I waste time hanging out with you Debbie Downers, sulking around because your asses are out of shape since y’all didn’t train hard enough this summer? Besides, I’m taking Tate out to dinner.”

And before I can answer, that motherfucker is gone. And I get it—he’s madly in love with his girlfriend, Tate.

For years, I had a girlfriend too—Paige. But my family ran her off, constantly making her feel like she was less than us just because her family didn’t have the kind of money mine did. The day she broke up with me, I’d never been that angry with my parents before, and that’s saying something because they do a lot of shit to make me mad.

Paige was everything I’d ever wanted. She was normal and had a typical upbringing. She was sweet and warm. She didn’t have crazy expectations for me. She simply loved me for who I was—until a year and a half ago, when she dumped me. Saying some bullshit about how it was for the best, but the truth came out weeks later. My parents had scared her away, basically threatening her to stay away from me. I told her I’d cut my family off if I could just have her back, but she refused.

What’s crazier is that up until a few years ago, my parents were dead set on me getting together with bitchy Sutton Savage. All for their own personal gain. Now, our parents hate each other’s guts, which is ironic because I’ve hated Sutton since I first laid eyes on her.

Now, Paige and I hook up sometimes. And after, when she leaves or I go home, even a year and a half later, it’s not fucking easy. But if our random hookups are all I can have of her, I’ll take it. Even if it is completely mind-fucking me.

One day, I’ll get her back. When I get that phone call from the pros, I’ll be off the hook as far as my family’s legacy is concerned.



Ihead into my Business class with unease growing in the pit of my stomach with each step I take to find a seat. I settle for mid-row. I likely won’t be called on, but I’m not in the back of the class, looking like a slacker. Quickly sliding myself into a seat, I toss my bag onto the chair next to me and take my things out. This isn’t exactly a class I want to be in, but in case things with dance don’t work out, I need a backup plan.

Now that I’ve had a few days to settle in and explore the campus, I’m finding that it’s pretty cute and very clean, and it has a sense of security.

“Is this seat taken?” a familiar voice asks sweetly a few minutes after I sat down.

Looking up from my phone, I find Ryann, and it makes me feel better, having someone here in class that I actually know. With her strawberry-blonde hair, piercing green eyes, and freckles sprinkled across her nose and cheeks, she gives me a wink.

“I suppose not,” I joke. Pulling my bag from the seat, I give her a small smile. “I didn’t realize you were taking this class too.”

“Oh, yeah. I’m going to be a badass business-owning bitch someday. Just don’t ask me what I’ll be doing with my business because I have no clue.” She smiles, sitting down. “Thanks for the seat. My options were sitting next to you; that dude up in the front row, who looks like he might keep panties in his pocket and sniff them from time to time; or that chick who looks like a Karen, ready to ask five thousand questions and demand to speak to the manager.”

“Glad I was the safest choice.” I chuckle. “I mean, I know you’ve only known me for a week, but I tend not to sniff panties or talk to managers, so you’re safe there.”

So far, living with three other women hasn’t been awful. I try to stay busy so that I’m not home every hour of every day.

Dance started a few days ago, and as the other girls had warned me, Poppy is frosty. But she’s also mega-talented, and I think that if she stopped viewing me as a threat, we could be friends. I’ve asked the other girls about her enough to know her parents have also been the driving force behind her ballet career. So, I’m sure if anyone else knows what it’s like to be pushed to the point of breaking, it’s her.

“Glad to see Poppy hasn’t stabbed you in your sleep yet,” Ryann whispers before giving me one last grin as the professor comes to the front of the room.

And just like that, day one of classes has officially begun.

Closing my laptop, I yawn, stretching my arms behind me.

“So, Business, huh?” Ryann asks, raising an eyebrow. “Not just here to study the art of dance?”

“Figured, what the hell? Doesn’t hurt to have a backup plan, right?” I shrug.

“True that.” She agrees. “Hey, so I know I could have asked you this at the house, but I didn’t want the others to hear. You aren’t looking for a job, are you? I mean, I know with a last name like Savage and a dad who’s a senator, you don’t need to work. But…it’s still good money.”

“What’s the job?” I say, raising an eyebrow.

Standing up, she jerks her chin toward the door. “Why don’t I show you? And then you can decide if you’re willing to work.”

“Are you going to murder me?” I follow her to the front of the classroom and out the door. “Because that’s not really how I want to start my school year. I mean, I haven’t even gotten to try the bakery on campus yet.”

“Nah, you look like you could outrun me anyway. And if you ask me, the bakery is overrated. Their shit is dried out, and their coffee is fucking gross,” she tosses back unapologetically. “This job…well, it’s easier for me to take you there than to explain it. But I’ll warn you, it isn’t for the faint of heart. And growing up like a princess, as you did, it’s probably going to be way out of your comfort zone.”

“All right, color me intrigued.” I hike my messenger bag up a little higher on my shoulder. “Let’s go.”

“Don’t say I didn’t warn ya,” she coos as we head toward her car.
