Page 93 of From Jerk to Perk

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I grip the arms of my chair and hope no one notices. I want to get out of here, to run and hide. I don’t want to see these men I’ve grown so attached to, and who I miss so much I can’t eat or sleep.

“Hey, Amalia,” Wyatt says.

Like the asshole that he is, Cameron drums his fingers on the conference table.

Wincing, Levi turns to him. “Hey, sorry, Cam, but this meeting doesn’t include you. We’re here to see Amalia.”

Cameron glances at me with distaste, then back at Levi. “Huh?”

Levi gets up, walks across the room, and opens the door for Cameron.

Holy shit. They’re kicking him out.

“Thanks for stopping by, Cam,” Levi says with a polite smile.

Is this a joke? I look around the room for a hidden camera.

It takes a moment for the news to sink in, but Cameron finally pushes himself to his feet, his face red. I know him well enough to know he’s trying to keep it together and not lose his shit, at least not until he’s back at his own desk where he can let loose with a temper tantrum.

He passes through the door, where Levi towers over him. “Hey Cam, could you get me and the guys some coffee. Oh, and Amalia too?” Levi calls after him.

He lets the door swing closed and returns to his seat.

And I want to kiss his feet for being the first person ever to put Cameron in his place, the place where all shitty, mean, small-minded people should be relegated.

I exhale a big breath, still holding onto my chair. “That was… something.”

I’m sure Cameron will make me pay for this later, tenfold at least, just to show he’s still the big boss and that no matter whowants to meet with me, I’m still a mere underling in his world and deserve to be treated as such.

But for now, I’ll try to enjoy looking at the guys.

Wyatt’s in his usual worn leather motorcycle jacket, looking more like a wild man than the software engineer he is. Henry pushes aside the blond hair that flops into his sexy blue eyes, his usual collared shirt starched to preppy perfection. And Levi, in his dark wash jeans and fitted vest, crooks the corner of his mouth into a smile, and out pops that damn left cheek dimple that makes my heart throb.

And other things.

“It’s good to see you,” Levi says, leaning his elbows on the conference table.

I look back at the door, waiting for Cameron to return at any moment with a machine gun or at least boiling hot coffee to scald us all for his curt dismissal.

“Amalia, don’t worry. He’s not coming back.”

How the hell does he know that?

“Um. Okay.”

“We just sent out a press release, Amalia,” Henry says, handing me a piece of paper.

“Okay,” I say slowly. I look up at them. I don’t understand what’s going on.

Henry nods at me. “Read it. Go ahead.”

I look at each guy, then turn my attention to the paper.


Acclaimed Literary Author Embraces a New Passion: Erotic Romance Writing

In a bold and inspiring move, Levi Maverick, renowned for his profound contributions to contemporary literature,has announced his newest creative endeavor: entering the world of erotic romance fiction. This pivot marks a significant transition for the author, known for his award-winning work, as he embraces a genre that celebrates passion, sensuality, and the complexity of human relationships.
