Page 12 of Unexpected Ventures

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“Valentina! We need to get moving. Bring Matteo downstairs with you.”

“Okay, Papa.”

My gorgeous brown-haired, brown-eyed daughter walks into the kitchen with her little brother. I kiss her cheek. “You look pretty.” She’s in a white dress. “Are you excited for your first day at your new school?”

She smiles. The smile that lights up my universe. “Yes. I can’t wait.”

I turn to Matteo. “You’re going to be a good boy, right? Now you get to go to big boy school like your sister.”

He simply nods. He’s not at all verbal and is extremely shy. It’s frustrating at times. I was spoiled by Valentina being incredibly verbal and social so early. His doctors say it’s normal for boys, especially one that, so far, has only spent less than half of his time with me, but I’m fearful that it’s something more. He’ll be spending so much more time with me now, so perhaps he’ll come out of his shell. I’m hopeful.

I hand them each a plate of scrambled eggs. Hers with cheese, his without. He can be a bit particular at times.

I turn back to Valentina. “You’ll check on Matteo today?”

She nods. “If I’m allowed.”

“I told the school that your brother is very dependent on you. They understand you may be needed from time to time.”

My angel daughter is such a good big sister, though there’s one part of her that is not so angelic. “You’ll control your temper, won’t you?” My daughter inherited my temper. When she gets going, it can turn ugly.

She nods as she bats her eyelashes and looks at me innocently. “Yes, Papa, I’ll try.”

I can’t help but smirk at her. She smirks right back at me as we exchange a silent understanding that we’re both a bit hot-headed.

Even though we’re already well into the school year, Valentina is switching schools. She went to a school near her mother’s house, about thirty minutes away. I live between there and my office.

My ex-wife stayed home with Matteo. Her mother in Cuba has grown ill, and she needs to spend time there. Though she promised to come back for visits now and then, I wouldn’t agree to let her take the children out of the country for that amount of time. It was ugly for a bit as we came to terms.

Once we agreed that the children would stay with me and she’d visit, I signed Valentina up for a local private school that also has a daycare for younger kids, and an after-school care program because I can’t get there by dismissal time.

We make our way to The Primary Academy and get Matteo situated in the daycare. After a few tears, he seemed happy playing with the Legos. I hope he makes friends. My ex-wife rarely has him around other kids. I think it’s stunted his social growth. It’s always been a bone of contention between her and I.

Clad in my normal business suit attire, I grab Valentina’s hand and walk her into the second-grade classroom. Her teacher introduces herself. “Welcome, Valentina. We’re so happy to have you. I’mMs. Longfellow.” She emphasized Ms. That was for my benefit, to let me know she’s single. I roll my eyes. As if I’d ever start something with my daughter’s teacher. As if Ms. American Pie can handle me.

Valentina holds out her hand. “It’s nice to meet you, Mrs. Longfellow.”

“It’s Ms. Longfellow.”

Valentina gives me a little side-eye. She’s messing with the teacher. I love this kid.

“I’m so sorry. It’s nice to meet you, Ms. Longfellow.”

“Aren’t you polite.” She shakes her hand in return. Ms. Longfellow turns her head and motions to a boy in the class. “Luke, can you come here for a moment?”

A little boy walks over. He’s got dark hair and insanely light blue eyes. They remind me of a woman I once met. The one that stars in my dreams. I’ve never seen eyes as blue as hers until now. It’s almost the exact same shade.

“Luke, this is Valentina. Today is her first day. Can you show her around and introduce her to everyone?”

Luke’s face lights up. “I love showing pretty ladies around.” He grabs Valentina’s hand and pulls her away. “Come on, I’ll help you make new friends.”

My face drops. Did he just hold her hand? Did he just compliment her? Is that little shit hitting on my seven-year-old daughter? What is happening right now?

Ms. Longfellow touches my arm. “Don’t worry. She’s in good hands. Luke is very popular.”
