Page 127 of Unexpected Ventures

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“Things are good. Why rock the boat? Luke’s heart is safe.”

“You don’t want any more from Dominic than one night a week?”

“Of course I do, I love him, but I value my son above myself.” I have no idea where this is coming from. “Did Dominic say something to you? We haven’t remotely discussed it in weeks.”

“He’d gladly progress things. He wants to spend more time with you than he is, and he misses Luke.”

“He said that?”

She nods.

I blow out a breath. “Luke has asked for him too.” I shrug my shoulders. “I’m not sure what the right answer is. I want to trust in us but look at my track record in the trust department.”

“You don’t trust him?”

My eyes start to fill with tears. “I don’t trust me. I’ve misjudged every man I’ve ever been with. Not just Gary. Think of the string of losers I’ve dated through the years.”

“You didn’t misjudge Dominic. And we all make mistakes until we find the one that isn’t. The one that’s our forever. Do you realize how many frogs I kissed before I met my prince?”

“You think Dominic is that for me?”

“I do. He seems pretty sure about your future. That you have one.”

I can barely whisper, “I’m scared, Cassandra. If he spends time with Luke, and I spend time with his kids, we’re all so vulnerable.”

“I understand.” She’s quiet for a moment. “You’re going to Darian and Jackson’s pool party next weekend, right?”

I nod. “This weekend is Luke’s class camping trip. It’s the following weekend, right?”

“Yes. Maybe bring him and his kids to that. It’s a bigger group where he knows almost everyone. It might be a casual way to all spend time together.”

“I’m not sure. That crew is out of control at times.”

“That’s what makes it easier.”

“Hmm. Maybe. I just don’t want to rush this. He told me about his first love recently. I don’t think he has closure with her. I’m not sure I’m ready to pull the trigger until every potential obstacle is removed.”

“That’s why I think the bigger group setting would be best. So much less pressure. Dipping your toes in the water. It’s like in middle school when you don’t go on one-on-one dates, you go with a group to make it less pressure filled.”

I let out a laugh. “That’s kind of true.”

She smiles. “What’s the camping trip you mentioned?”

“They call it parent-child bonding in the wilderness, but it’s mostly fathers. Luke refused to allow Gary to go, so I’m going. It’s not my idea of fun, but at least Dominic will be there, though he doesn’t keep his hands off me when we’re together. Not for a second. The kids will probably pick up on it there.”

“He’s not an animal. He can control himself.”

I mumble, “He’s a little bit of an animal.”

She laughs.

“I think Brody is going with Scotty. Giselle’s ex is going with Colton.”

“Oh, right. I heard Brody mention it the other day. He was trying to talk Harley into going. She was having no part of it.”

I nod. “I don’t blame her.”

“Was Gary upset that Luke didn’t want him to go?”
