Page 128 of Unexpected Ventures

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I shrug. “Honestly, I’m not sure if he knows about it.”

Smiling, I say, “I forgot to tell you something a few weeks ago. Per normal, Gary just walked into my house. Dominic was downstairs buck naked, dick hanging. And he didn’t give a shit about being naked in front of Gary. Poor Gary probably had a heart attack after seeing that monster.”

She starts laughing. “That’s hysterical. What Happened?”

“Dominic was getting all alpha, puffing his chest, but I stepped in. I very clearly told Gary he’s not welcome when Luke isn’t home. I finally let him have it a little bit, saying a few things I haven’t had the balls to say all these years. The good news is he now knocks before entering.”

“That’s progress. The past year wasn’t easy, but you’re coming out on the other side of the tunnel as the best version of yourself. I’m proud of you.”

I’m a bit choked up with emotion and don’t respond.

She stands and looks at her watch. “I have a few calls to make. I’ll see you at the game tonight, right?”

“Of course.”

* * *

We’re sittingin the stands as Luke’s baseball game is about to start. Cassandra and Giselle are on either side of me.

Gary approaches and nods at me. “Hey, Beth.”

I inwardly pat myself on the back at the fact that he no longer calls meBethy.

“Hi, Gary.”

He shakes Tom’s hand and sits next to him. They begin chatting.

Giselle whispers, “Oh shit.”


She motions her head toward an approaching figure. “George is here. He’s walking over.”

Cassandra looks at me in question.

I smile. “Her father-in-law is a character. He’s got one arm and the biggest mouth you’ve ever heard.”

Cassandra looks at me in question. “He’s a loud-mouthed, one-armed man?” I nod. “I don’t think I’ve ever met one of those. Bring him on.”

We hear George shout at Trevor, “Why the hell is my grandson batting eighth? He hit better than everyone in the last game.”

Tom practically jumps out of his seat. He whisper-yells, “Dad, I told you you’re not allowed to yell at coaches. Who told you there was a game?”

“I joined the Gram thing so I can keep track of the schedule.”

I turn to Giselle and mouth, “Gram thing?”

She rolls her eyes. “Instagram. The team has an account.” She shakes her head. “This is why Tom’s sister’s kids give him fake schedules. No one can handle his mouth.”

He looks up at Giselle. “Well, well, look what the cat dragged in. How are you, red?”

Giselle gives an amused smile. “Hi, George. Lovely to see you as always.”

He barks, “Go tell the stupid coach that Colton should be batting higher in the order. That coach doesn’t know his ass from a hole in the ground.”

Tom places his hand on George’s shoulder. “Dad, keep your voice down. And don’t curse. There are kids around.”

Cassandra looks at us. “Wait. His name is George?”
