Page 129 of Unexpected Ventures

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Giselle reluctantly nods, knowing where she’s going with this. “Yes. Don’t start.”

Cassandra and I start laughing. Giselle’s last name is Washington. “His name is George Washington?”

Giselle again simply nods her head in exasperation.

George starts to climb the bleachers. Cassandra holds out her hand for him. “George, can I offer you ahand?” She smiles and winks at him.

Giselle and I look at each other and try to hold in our laughs.

George looks at her with a small smile creeping on his face. “I could use an arm, not just a hand.”

The three of us burst out laughing. Giselle helps him sit. “Good one, George. Now sit down, stay quiet, and don’t embarrass Colton.”

He squeezes her arm. “I miss you, red. None of my kids will cut my food for me or tie my shoelaces. You’re the only one.”

She squeezes his arm in return. “You just call me when you need help. I’ll be there.” Giselle’s rough exterior is only on the exterior. She’s a marshmallow inside.

Cassandra asks George, “How did you lose your arm? Chopping down a cherry tree?”

George looks her up and down. “I like that you don’t tip-toe around me. Most people do.”

She shrugs. “It’s not really my style, George. Speaking of which, that coach who you claim doesn’t know his ass from a hole in the ground is my husband, so watch it before youaccidentallylose another arm.”

“I didn’t know any cougars like you when I was younger. I wish I had.”

She pats him on the head in a condescending manner. “George, I don’t think you could havehandled me. I’m a lot for a man with two hands, let alone one.”

George bursts out laughing. He turns to Giselle. “I like your friends better than Tom’s. It’s probably because you have a bigger dick than him.”

Giselle practically falls on the ground laughing. Poor Tom’s face turns bright red.

We watch the game and, for the first time since I’ve known him, George doesn’t yell at the coaches. It took my sister to finally put him in his place.

When the game is over, I see Luke walk over to the opposing bleachers. There’s a little girl around his age sitting there that he approaches.

I’m standing with Cassandra when Trevor walks over to us. “Check out Luke. He’s been working on this girl for over a month.”

We watch as Luke talks to her. He says something that makes her laugh. He then hands her a baseball. She looks around, checking to see if the coast is clear, and then leans in and gives him a peck on the lips.

I gasp.

Trevor pumps his fist. “Yes! I told him it would work.”

“You told him giving her the ball would get him a kiss?”

“I told him to tell her it was from his big hit. The one he just let her know was specifically done in her honor.”

The girl leaves. Luke has a huge, goofy smile. He starts sprinting toward us and leaps into Trevor’s waiting arms.

“Did you see, Uncle Trevor? She kissed me, just like you said she would. And she’s a year older. I’ve never kissed an older woman. I think that was the best kiss I’ve ever had. You’re right. Older women are much better kissers.”

Cassandra covers her smile with her hand. I feel like my head is going to explode. I’m going to kill Trevor for this.

Trevor smiles at Luke. “I told you so. You played it perfectly.”

He wraps his arms around Trevor’s neck and squeezes him tight. “You’re my best friend, Uncle Trevor.”

Trevor has tears in his eyes when he says, “You’re mine too, buddy.”
