Page 42 of Rhadan

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Adara sighed. “Have faith, Thorn. I have become accustomed to his companionship and do not wish to lose another. Tempest, you may start.”

Tempest glanced at the book with the configuration of the circles. She pointed to a location six feet from Adara. “Rhadan, we will stand there. You need to look over my shoulder at the pages so I can read the spell. Once I am in position, I will have the ladies stand in this formation.”

Rhadan guided her to the spot she specified. “Mara, you are on Tempest’s left and Natalie, you are on her right. Alana, you are beside Natalie and Freya beside Alana. Jemma, you will stand between Freya and Mara. Each of you needs to stand three feet apart in a circle.”

Tempest waited while the ladies got into position.

“Ready,” Mara said.

Tempest held the book in front of her, reading over the spell a final time. “Teampall ársa de solas éisteacht liom.” She struggled to get the accent and pronunciation correct. “What if I don’t say the words right?”

Rhadan leaned down toward her ear. “You can speak in English. I have translated it all for you. See it in my mind. It is the intent of the spell that is the most important, not which language you speak it in.”


“Temple of Light, hear our call,” Tempest said.

“Temple of Light, hear our call,” the five druids repeated her words.

“Bring forth the mother. Allow her to enter this world.”

The other druids repeated her words as an unnatural wind whipped through the cavern. Rhadan held her steady when the swirling dirt pelted against her skin.

“Provide her with protection and keep her rooted in the world of her birth.”

The others repeated the words and the magical lights that lit the cave flickered before going dark.

While Rhadan could see in the dark, the others groaned as they entered the world of the gatekeeper. Tempest was used to this world, and she understood the need to see with a sense other than her eyes. She disconnected from Rhadan, so her world was as dark. She had memorized the last line of the spell, but she needed to unleash it at the correct time.

She sensed the barrier rather than saw it. It reminded her of latticework on the fence. They were magically prying apart one of those tiny spaces to allow Adara to pass through. The small gaps allowed her to communicate with her children and the dragons, but her side of the fence was failing and if Adara didn’t make the transition to this realm soon, she would be lost forever.

In her mind, her hands were like blue flames, setting fire to one section of the barrier. She made the hole larger and larger until she swayed on her feet, and she felt Ren nudge her consciousness. This was what he was here for. To create a powerful burst, just long enough for Adara to pass through. With him connected with her, she spoke the final phrase.

“What once was will be again. For all time. So be it.”

The ladies repeated her words, and she felt her entire body pulse. It was like a nuclear bomb went off in her chest and she would have fallen had Rhadan not put his arms around her waist. She connected with him to see what was happening.

A warped distortion of air and power rippled through the cavern as the entire mountain groaned under its weight. Ren and Adara disappeared in the blast, and dust clouds blossomed in the air as the shaking stopped.

Tempest’s heart went cold as she clutched her chest. “It’s not enough.”

Legion reached for Mara as the seer fell. “What is going on? Why isn’t it working?”

Tempest’s breath came in short gasps as the temple was slowly being cut from the human realm. “The spell wasn’t made for a power transfer of this magnitude. What we are doing is an affront to Mother Nature.”

Rhadan hissed in her ear. “I will not allow your death.”

Tempest wanted to cry. For the time she would have had with him. For the death of humanity and the slavery they would endure at the hands of the dark dragons and the mage. “I’m sorry I wasn’t strong enough.”

Rhadan growled. “Speak the last line again.” She felt his power infuse her voice.

“What once was will be again. For all time. So be it.” The voice that escaped her mouth was a combination of hers and Rhadan’s. The ground cracked under the pressure as the temple began to form in the center of the large cavern.

Dust and debris showered them, but the magic in the room was in a vacuum and not even Legion could create a shield. The men shielded the women with their bodies and the mountain groaned under the pressure.

Mara stood as the shower of pebbles stopped. “What did you do, Tempest?”

Legion pointed at Rhadan. “He used his power. I had no idea he could compel Mother Nature to do his bidding.”
