Page 100 of The Host

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“That afternoon when you exited Brian’s office after you yelled, “I’m Jewish.”

“But I’m not,” she corrected.

“I know. Lake said something about belonging to the house of Ephraim. That’s when I knew and that’s when everything made sense.”

“I don’t understand. What would have made sense?”

“You don’t drink, swear, you’re modest in your dress and you have a sense of self-worth that stands out like a bull in a china shop.”

“Am I the bull or the china?” Evie asked, prepared to fight if necessary.

“Both,” Matt stated boldly. “You are confident as a bull, but your beauty is as a piece of fine china. I’ll find a tea set in the shape of a bull… just for you!” he mused.

“Hmmmm,” Evie replied.

“I told you that I left home after my mom died.”

Evie nodded.

“That’s when I decided God wasn’t real and that I needed to find my happiness somewhere else. I’ve just recently realized that the religion I grew up with, the reason I think my father is so disappointed in me, is because I choose to ignore everything I was raised to believe and chose to follow the world.”

“I really hope that’s not the case with your father,” Evie replied.

“I want to believe that… but since he has never reached out to me and even suggested we talk…”

“Maybe he’s waiting for you to do that?” Evie offered.

“I’m the wayward son, aren’t I?” Matt joked, although there was pain behind his eyes. “Isn’t the worthy person supposed to be more forgiving?”

Evie nodded. “We can talk more about this later,” she suggested.

At that moment, he forgot the cameras were rolling and he feared everything he had just mentioned about his dad would be aired for the entire world to hear. Matt hung his head in despair.

Evie lifted his head a bit and gave him a gentle kiss. “Everyone is at their own level of understanding the gospel, and some might take longer than others, but forgiveness is a part of everyone’s path. Give yourself time as well as your dad. I have faith that things will turn out better than anyone could ever imagine.

Matt hugged Evie until the stinging behind his eyes subsided.

For the first time in ten years, he had hope in being able to build a relationship he currently didn’t have with his father.

“Are you ready to ride?” Matt finally asked, still hugging tightly to Evie.

“I’m always ready to ride,” Evie giggled.

Matt led Evie outside and to the barn. Matt explained to Evie that the stables were called Marie Manor after his Grandmother Marie, and that John had inherited the land after his parents died. Matt enjoyed showing off the stables, but he thought he enjoyed more the conversation between his dad and Evie as they talked about the variety of horses, their different skills and traits along with the unique characteristics of each breed.

This was something Matt never did enjoy as a youth, but for some reason… he didn’t mind it now. He was sure it had everything to do with the woman in front of him.

“Shall we ride?” Matt asked after the conversation died down.

“Which path are you thinking about taking?” John asked Matt.

“The pine path,” Matt said. Then he looked at Evie and said, “That path will take us through all the pine trees, and since you’re loving the smell…”

“Perfect!” Evie exclaimed.

“Then she’ll love the ride,” John paused and added, “son.”

Matt hadn’t heard his dad call him son for over a decade and he wasn’t sure how to take it.
