Page 101 of The Host

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“There’s a fallen tree that I haven’t yet cleared about a quarter mile in, so be careful as you go around it.”

“Will do, Dad,” Matt replied… and then he smiled. “Thanks.”

“We’ll be waiting for you when you get back.”

“Here,” John said as he shoved a walkie in Matt’s hand. “Just in case.”

Matt stared at his dad as he and Emma walked back to the house. His dad might have been disappointed in him, but he concluded he still loved Matt. Maybe there was something in the old adage about time healing all wounds. When this show was over, he would call his dad and see if there was a way to heal the wounds.

Chapter 19

Evie stared dumbfounded at Brian and Tom after they explained the next step of the show. There was no way in heaven or earth that she wouldeveragree to what they just told her.

“No way!” she finally repeated. “Go ahead and fine me. I have no idea how I’ll pay the $100,000 fine, but I will not do this! There is no way I will ever agree to stay the night in a hotel room… alone… with someone who is not family… or my husband!” she almost hollered. “Is this something that usually happens? Why would anyone agree to this?”

“All you must do is be recorded entering the hotel room with Matt. Once the cameras have been turned off, you can exit and leave if you’d like,” Brian tried to explain. “Although in my experience, most people like it.”

“Well, I’m not most people. I have principles and a different set of standards. I willnotdo this.”

“Excuse me, Mr. Becks,” Tom’s secretary interrupted. “A Lake Call is on the line for you?”

“Lake?” Evie said rejoicing. “I want to talk to my brother.”

“I’ll take his call in my cubicle,” Tom insisted. “Wait here, Miss Call, I’ll be right back.”

Evie sighed with relief. Lake would take care of everything. There were so many ups and downs of this entire show that she was sure Lake would find a loophole and she would not have to stay an evening alone with Matt… or appear to spend an evening alone with him.

It wasn’t that she didn’t trust Matt. He hadn’t done anything to question his respect for her beliefs and values. In fact, she was certain he wouldn’t jeopardize her moral standards in any place… televised or not.

The problem she had was the appearance of what that night represented. The fine print stated that the couple did not have to engage in sexual intercourse and after the couple went inside the hotel room together, the cameras were shut off and each couple was given the choice to walk out and go home or stay locked behind those closed doors.

Evie’s issue was the innuendo of what everyone watching would think was happening. She was in no way going to condone that.


She turned to the door as Tom walked in. His expression was grave.

That gave Evie hope.

“Your brother told me to repeat word for word the following. “Trust me, Evie. You need to do the hotel room… but trust me.”

“No,” yelled Evie before Tom could finish.

Tom took a deep breath and said, “Your brother said you would refuse, so this is what he told me to say next.” He took another deep breath. “Indiana Jones.”

Tom took a step back. He had no idea what Indiana Jones had to do with the conversation or Evie’s determination to hold her ground, but the confident look on her face slowly turned to confusion and then softened. There had to be an inside story, but he was sure he would never find out what it might be.

Evie’s hardened determination to walk out and hail a taxicab quickly softened and then she did everything in her power to not cry. She decided that hate was too strong of a word to ply on her brother, so she began to think of other words that weren’t as strong… to use instead.


No. That’s too harsh of a word.


Not that one either. She could never despise her brother.

