Page 102 of The Host

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Yes, that could work.

Evie detested her brother… at least for the moment. Lake didn’t use this keyword often, but when he did… Evie chose to have the faith necessary to do what Lake needed her to do.

The first time Evie ever watched the movie, Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, both Lake and Evie marveled at the bridge that appeared before Indy at the very last moment when he took the leap of faith in order to save his dad.

When she was in sixth grade, her horse bucked her off and she was afraid to get back on. Lake used this analogy to trust him when he said that she had to get back on. “Be like Indiana Jones,” he said. Evie trusted Lake so she got back on her horse.

The next time Lake used it was when she was a freshman in high school and he was a senior. A girl in her class had been bullying her for the entire semester and Evie had been afraid to try out for the school play. Lake again used the Indiana Jones analogy and she had the faith to try out for the play. To Evie’s surprise, she got one of the leading roles in the play, and even though the bully continued to be mean to Evie, the bullying did diminish.

The last time he used it was when she experienced recurring nightmares after their biological dad tried to kidnap her. Out of all the events in her life prior to that one, the attempted kidnapping was the most terrifying. Evie didn’t like to think about this event often… but whenever those feelings started to emerge, Evie just visualized herself as Indiana Jones.

“God always provides a way,” she heard Lake’s voice in her head. “No matter the trial, the hardship, the impossibility… he will provide a way. He did it for Nephi, Jonah, and Moses… and he’ll do it for you. You just have to have faith.”

How could staying an entire evening alone with Matt, whether or not they just talked… be justified?

No amount of imagination could justify a situation she vowed never to be in… but she did trust Lake and he did ask her to trust him. She would have to inform him that he would never again get to use Indiana Jones as a keyword… unless he really needed to.

The next day, Evie tried to wait patiently as the elevator lifted her, a cameraman, and a crew member up to the floor where she would meet Matt. Her entire form felt heavy and burdened and yet at the same time, Lake’s words of encouragement brought a little ease to her burden. She trusted Lake and she trusted that he had used hisgreatimagination to find a loophole around this ludicrous situation.

As the elevator door slowly opened, Evie took a step out onto the twelfth floor of the hotel. Cameras glaring at her from in front and behind. She couldn’t smile or talk to anyone.


Indiana Jones.

No… Jesus Christ!

That was who her faith was in.

She looked up and froze in her steps.

A good twenty paces in front of her, standing as guards in front of the suite doors, were two very huge, two very masculine, and two very familiar men.

“Who wants an Evie sandwich?” one of the men yelled.

“I need me an Evie sandwich,” yelled the other.

Before Evie could say anything or react, both men trapped her in between their arms and began their customary forceful, yet loving hugs.

If this was any other occasion, Evie would have squirmed, giggled, and wiggled to get out of their embrace… but not this time.

This time… she sobbed.

Ryker and Boden both stopped their powerful, yet playful hugs and opted to just hold their little sister as she sobbed.

After Lake had explained the situation to them, they both agreed to be chaperones for this overnight evening.

“Apparently, Evie didn’t know we were going to be here,” Ryker mused.

“She’s just extremely happy to see me,” Boden revealed.

“So happy she broke into tears?” Ryker questioned.

“Her tears are because she saw your ugly mug,” Boden teased.

“Oh, shut up you two!” Evie ordered as she wiped away her tears. “And no demanding retribution for slighted words of insult!”

“The Rodeo Queen has ordered us. We will be on our best behavior!” Ryker stood at military ease and smiled at his sister.
