Page 106 of The Host

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“Ignore them,” Evie muttered as she walked around them back to the living space. “They have been doing this ever since I can remember. Anyway, they are producing the noise I desired so we can talk.”

“But first things first, my love,” Matt reached out and took her hand. He walked her around the corner so they were out of sight of her brothers and then pulled her into his embrace.

She went willingly.

“Are you willing to kiss me,” Matt teased.

She smacked him in the chest and then reached up and kissed him. Evie didn’t know how long they had been kissing but the quiet around her pulled her out of her state of bliss.

When she ventured to look toward the bedroom door, she saw her two brothers leaning against the door jams, wearing very proud looks on their faces.

“They have nice technique,” Ryker commented.

“I’ve seen better,” Boden proclaimed. “I’d give their kiss about an eight.”

Evie threw her head up in surrender. “Oh… my… gosh!” she laughed. “They are impossible!”

“But they do love their little sister,” Matt whispered as he kissed her one more time. “Now, let’s see to this list of yours.”

“You have one as well,” right?” Evie asked, remembering his comment about writing one down for this very purpose.

Matt reached into his back pocket and retrieved a worn-out piece of paper. Evie kissed him in return.

“Go hook up that X-Box in the bedroom so Matt and I can discuss important things.”

“Yes, Ma’am!” the two spouted.

A few minutes later, the two brothers were fully engaged in their video game complete with verbal slurs, and Matt and Evie were sitting comfortably on the couch.

“I no longer have to explain my religion,” Evie began as she scratched the first item off her list.

“No, but I have a question in regard to religion,”

“All right, what is it?”

“Why didn’t you serve a mission?”

“And you know I didn’t serve a mission because…” Evie left the end of the question open for Matt to finish.

“Because you don’t wear garments.”

“Oh, yeah. That makes sense. All right. I had a desire to serve and was in the middle of getting my papers together to submit them and then COVID hit.”

“COVID got you again, huh?”

“Yeah,” Evie replied seriously. “Saylor and I were roommates at BYU,”

“Now I see why you couldn’t tell me where you went to school,” Matt chuckled.

“Dead giveaway!” Evie admitted.

“So, you and Saylor were roommates, and then what?”

“COVID hit. Saylor decided to stay at school while I opted to go home and do my studies online. I was thinking about submitting them again when something horrible happened.”

Matt’s smile turned grave and he grabbed Evie’s hands.

“Remember when I said my biological dad wasn’t a good guy?”
