Page 105 of The Host

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“I’ll agree,” Boden continued. “Why should we let you pass these doors?”

Matt thought for a moment and then he said, “If roles were reversed, I’d more than likely do the same thing. Hopefully, I can share with you some of the many things I adore… love about your sister.”

Boden and Ryker continued to stand there as they waited for Matt to expound on Evie’s virtues.

“She is fun, caring, adventurous, and kind. She is easy to talk with and I find myself telling her things I haven’t shared with anyone before… and after I’ve shared, she still wants to be in my presence. She is a lover of food and eats almost anything. She’s not a pushover… she has no problem telling you what she thinks, and I find myself wanting to know what she thinks.

“She loves God and Jesus, and it shows. She is extremely attractive and yet her purity and innocence make her more beautiful. My life willneverbe the same because I have been blessed to know her.

“I don’t know what she sees in me, but I intend to be the sort of man she deserves for as long as she wants me around. I will do everything in my power to protect her.

“I am in love with your sister. I would never have thought that possible in such a short period of time or in this crazy setting… but I have… and I hope to gain your respect as I prove that.”

Boden and Ryker continued to stare at Matt, expressionless in the hopes of making Matt squirm.

Matt didn’t squirm.

That impressed and irritated them at the same time.

Impressed them that Matt did indeed seem to possess a steady sense of self-worth and irritated them because they would have loved to see him squirm.

Boden and Ryker eventually looked at each other and nodded.

“We’ll let you pass,” Ryker finally said.

Ryker and Boden stepped aside and told Matt to knock on the door.

Soon the door opened and they saw their sister jump into Matt’s arms.

When they separated, Matt looked at Boden and Ryker. “May I kiss your sister?”

“Do not ask!” Evie demanded. “First of all, I’ve already kissed you and it’s my decision on whether or not I want to continue kissing you, and second, both of them have very interesting stories about their first kisses with their wives!”

“Really?” Matt’s eyebrows raised in surprise.

“But we will not be discussing any of that tonight as I have a list of questions to ask you,” Evie announced as she pulled Matt inside the hotel suite and then looked at her brothers. “Are you coming?” she demanded.

“She is definitely not a pushover, Matt. You called that one nicely!” Boden uttered in dismay as he walked into the room.

“Ouch, sis,” Ryker uttered while he too walked in… a smile slowly spread across his face. Matt was the one for his baby sister. Evie was confident and secure in herself in regard to her relationship with Matt… and Matt saw that… and respected it as well. Ryker had a good feeling about the two of them.

The moment Evie closed the door, she told her brothers to go play their X-Box game and be as loud as they could. If the show lied about the night being microphone free, the sound of her brothers yelling at each other would muffle the conversations she and Matt would be having in the other room.

The hotel suite was beautiful. There was a living space with couches, reclining chairs, and a huge TV screen mounted on the wall. A full-service kitchen was on the right side of the room with the refrigerator well stocked with food. A full-sized table set for eight with a charcuterie board beautifully displayed looked inviting, which was where her two brothers were currently indulging themselves.

To the left of the living space was a pair of double doors that led into the bedroom. When Matt and Evie entered the room, her two brothers zoomed past them and landed on top of the bed.

“Would you like to join us?” Ryker smirked.

“I can’t guarantee there won’t be snoring!” laughed Boden.

Evie just rolled her eyes and ignored them… but she was extremely glad they were there. She was extremely glad for all her brothers, and she thanked God for having such a wonderful family.

“I don’t snore,” Ryker bellowed.

“Shall we ask Saylor?” Boden challenged.

Soon, both brothers were on the floor wrestling.
