Page 120 of The Host

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Although, all three things had to do with his family.

The first was his apparent unease with Evie’s current situation. Evie was seven and a half months pregnant. She had begun small contractions a couple of days previously, but the doctor assured her… actually, he assured Matt… that as long as the contractions were manageable… meaning she could continue to walk and talk… and they were more than five minutes apart… she was not ready to deliver a baby.


Yes… she was carrying twins and Matt couldn’t be more ecstatic.

A little boy and a little girl.

When Evie and Matt found out they were having twins, Evie went home from the doctor’s office, went straight to her office and found the list she made right after she and Matt got married. She plopped on the chair next to her desk, looked at her list and laughed.

The list she held in her hands stated they would have their first child two years after they were married, and then their second two years after that.

So much for lists!

For the first time in her life, she actually wrinkled up a list and threw it away. God was at the helm.

As for simplicity? After their first run-in with each other at Matt’s aunt and uncle’s, Matt and Evie had to double check their schedules so they wouldn’t accidentally run into each other as that would have violated the contract they signed. Thank goodness for Aunt Molly and Uncle Dave. Their home became a safe haven.

Evie’s original plan was to never watch the show, but then she figured it would be awkward if someone approached her, either alone or with Matt, and asked her what she thought of Matt doing such and such. So, with Molly and Dave’s support, they watched the show every Monday night after family home evening.

For the most part, everything was cool, but there were a few evenings Matt and Evie stayed up talking about what really happened versus what the producers decided to cut. They were both shocked that nothing was aired about Neveah cutting Evie’s hair.

During the following two months, things were slow for them in the media world until after the last episode aired when they all met in person… again.

Neveah had done well for herself in the Instagram life and made snide remarks until Carl asked her to view a certain clip. It was the clip of her admitting to Matt that she cut off Evie’s hair. The women all around gasped in horror except for Devanee and Fran. A brief glimpse of fear crossed Neveah’s face before she quickly masked it with a look of polished remorse. She looked in the camera and told the show they were welcome for her ability to raise viewer rates and create the hype needed for success to their show.

Evie enjoyed seeing Callie and Baylor again and actually invited them both to the wedding reception, but only Baylor could attend.

After that airing, both Evie and Matt were inundated with sponsors and advertisers offering them millions of dollars if they would sign a deal with them. Neither Matt nor Evie was tempted.

The offers poured in for a couple of months and died off until someone leaked their wedding date. Evie was upset that her wedding day was invaded by paparazzi… in front of the Fresno temple, no less. Matt just squeezed her hand as Evie’s brothers, brothers-in-law, and Bobby created a human barricade which prevented the paparazzi from entering the temple grounds.

They drove back to CTR Ranch for the reception and Evie’s childhood friend, Monu, who still worked at the police station, offered to make rounds to make sure no one entered the property. A couple of gun shots caused Evie to worry, but Kimi assured Evie that her brothers were having fun shooting down drones that were trying to take pictures or videos of the reception.

All she could do was laugh. At least her wedding story was one that would bring joyous memories to all her family members.

The hype that exploded on all social media platforms when they were scheduled to make an appearance on the year anniversary mark of The Host had everyone talking for weeks. Evie was pregnant and extremely huge. Social Media had a field day declaring she had to have gotten pregnant before their wedding.

Thank goodness for more pressing trends that eventually left them alone once their particular trend was over… and her supposed due date had passed.

Matt’s second unease was for the babies. One of the babies would be born with a birth defect. Although the birth defect wasn’t critical, Matt still fussed about and worried.

“Please, Evie,” Matt begged. “Won’t you please sit down?”

This was the third time he asked her, and she would have laughed if his sincerity hadn’t been so visible on his face. She patted his face and then kissed him.

“Matt, my love… I sat for the entire ride here and I’ll be sitting again as we drive home. I need to stand. I’m more comfortable this way.”

“Matt!” Molly interjected. “Leave your wife alone!”

“Come on, son,” Spence encouraged as he led him away from Evie.

“I love you,” Evie said as she watched Matt walk away hesitantly with her dad.

Evie’s parents had arrived two weeks previously. Spence and Kimi helped Matt and Evie move into the Airbnb and settle things at Marie Manor where they had lived for the last nine months… since their marriage.

At first, Matt didn’t want to live in the Airbnb. The place was huge and felt a little daunting, but Emma reassured both Matt and Evie that the only reason she and John kept her father’s home was in the hopes that one of their children would one day live in it.
