Page 119 of The Host

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“And a beautiful place to hide as well,” Matt commented.

“A week later, your parents called and asked if they could stop by. My parents were eager to meet them, so they agreed to it. “

“My parents?” Matt asked curiously.

Evie laughed. “Yes, Matt, your parents.”

“And they asked you to run Marie Manor?”

“Yep.” Evie laughed again. “The guy your dad had asked to do it previously had something come up, so your dad was in a tight place. Amanda had already moved home to run the Airbnb so they asked if I wouldn’t mind continuing to have Amanda as my roommate for the next year and a half.”

“He better be paying you!”

“Of course, he’s paying me. I was initially shocked because I didn’t realize he knew how much I knew about horses, but he said you had mentioned as much before I arrived for the parent visit, so he observed me closely while I was in the barn.

“I told him about our plan to not contact each other for a month and he reassured me that you never came home to visit.”

“Sad to say, but true,” Matt chagrined.

“He then asked me to pray about it.”

“So, you being here, does that mean you said yes?”

Evie nodded her head.

“This is so unbelievable!” Matt uttered.

“Is it?” Evie asked.

Matt sighed. “I guess when you think about who’s in charge, it’s not all that unbelievable.”

Evie smiled.

Matt stood up and pulled Evie up with him. He had every intention of kissing her.

“Two more days!” Evie reminded.

“Our agreement was thirty days until we called each other on the phone. We said nothing about kissing.”

“Oh!” Was all Evie could utter as Matt’s lips connected with hers.

Their kissing was interrupted by Evie’s stomach.

Matt could only laugh aloud.

“Let’s get some food in you, beautiful woman,” Matt said as he took her hand and led her to the kitchen. “And rest assured… I’ll be calling you in two days… 12:01 in the morning!”


Eighteen Months Later

Evie wondered if she was finished making long term lists permanently. Ever since she broke off her engagement with Keith, all the lists she made seemed to take a different turn.

Never would she have imagined she could find love from a reality dating show. Never did she imagine she would fall in love with someone who hadn’t served a mission, had tattoos, or find someone who could stand up to her brothers’ levels of intensity.

Short-term lists, however, were still very important for her. She felt a sense of achievement every time she crossed off an item… but long-term lists? God seemed to have other plans in store for her.

Evie stood at the baggage claim area at the Redding Municipal Airport. She tried not to laugh at her husband who was trying to hide the multiple things he worried about.
