Page 14 of The Host

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“Hi, Dad.” Evie tried to sound excited, but her heart wasn’t in it.

“Sweetheart, I have something to say and I want you to hear me out, so please don’t interrupt. Can you do that?”

Evie sighed, but she knew when he had something to say, he was going to say it, so she agreed to stay silent until he was done.

“I’ve been watching and listening to you, sweetheart. Every time you call home, and even when you brought Keith home to meet us, I watched you and I have to say that even though he seems to be a good guy, I’m not sure he’s a good match for you.”

“Why would you say that, Spence?” Kimi interjected.

“Please Kimi, I need to say this once, and then if Evie still wants to marry him, I won’t say another word.”

“Dad,” Evie began, but Spence stopped her.

“You promised, sugar pie.”

Evie released a half moan and half giggle and pinched her lips closed.

“Evie, I know what love looks like. Even though love doesn’t fit into a mold, I know what it looks like. When Renee brought Hadley home, I knew they loved each other even though Renee isn’t the easiest person to get along with. Hadley had a calming effect on her and I saw their love for each other. I knew Ryker was in love with Saylor at a very young age and I stayed my distance until they were both old enough to figure out their own path. I knew Boden was in love just by the sound of his voice whenever he mentioned Krista’s name.

“Just like I know what love looks like, I also know what it doesn’t look like. I knew something wasn’t right with Shayla when she brought that jerk home, but he pulled the wool over my eyes and I didn’t want to interfere with her life. But after what happened to her, I promised I’d never let that happen to her again… or to you, for that matter. Even though she chose to live on the other side of the world, Kieran is her love and he loves her.

“Which leaves you, Evie. I just don’t see it. I don’t see the giddiness that young love brings. I see respect but no passion… and you deserve all of it! I don’t think he’d hurt you physically, but your life would be too boring… and simple. You are not meant for simplicity.”

“What did you say?” Evie interrupted.

“You heard me. You are not meant for simplicity. I feel Heavenly Father has something bigger in store for you. Now… I’ve said what I needed to say. Please pray about it before you tell me what you plan. Ease a father’s mind and pray before you go any further.”

“I don’t need to pray, Dad,” Evie said quietly. Her dad had said word for word what the spirit told her the night she broke off her engagement. She was not meant for simplicity. Evie had no idea what that would look like, but she had to acknowledge that thought was from the Lord.

“Please, Evie. Just give it a night.”

“I’m not engaged anymore.”

“What?” Kimi blurted.

“You’re what?” Spence asked.

“I’m not engaged to Keith. I broke it off three nights ago.”

“Are you okay?” Kimi asked.

“What happened?” Spence asked.

“I’m fine, Mom. In fact, I wasn’t even sad,” Evie replied as she continued to explain to her parents what happened. Evie explained how the list of questions made her realize they did not have the same ideas of how a marriage worked and how neither of them was willing to compromise what they wanted for the other person.

“You have matured so much,” Kimi gushed. “Are you sure you’re okay?”

“I’m fine, Mom.”

“I can have Ryker and Boden drive there to give you an Evie sandwich!” Spence mused.

Evie laughed aloud, which made her soul feel better. Ever since she was a little girl, her older brothers, Ryker and Boden would trap her in between their arms and give her a big hug. “No, Dad. I’ll be okay! I’m going to start applying to vet clinics out in the country. I’m done with city life!”

“That’s my girl!” Spence said with excitement.

“Look for some clinics closer to home,” Kimi suggested. “I miss you!”

“I miss you, too, Mom.”
