Page 15 of The Host

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“Call us whenever you need to talk,” Spence added. “Love ya, Evie Bug.”

“I love you both!”

Evie hung up the phone and felt much better. She was grateful her dad loved her enough to bring up his concerns and even more grateful he waited until after she had already called off the engagement.

She quickly changed her social status on all her social media platforms and then left her phone purposefully on the bed. Evie did not want her phone near her for the next twenty-four hours, so she went to sit with Amanda on the couch.

Amanda paused the reality cooking TV show she was watching and they talked for hours. The conversation was intermixed between Keith, Amanda’s soon-to-be ex-husband, and hope for new love.

“So… you haven’t told me what’s going on with you?” Evie asked Amanda. “Something happened right before I got home.”

“Oh… it’s just my crazy family. There’s always someone in my family who puts a huge damper on my plans.”

“So, what happened?”

“You know I love my reality TV shows, right?”

“Right,” Evie agreed. Amanda was always watching some sort of reality show whether it was love, cooking, or adventure… she loved them all.

“Well, there’s this new one called The Host and I signed up for it.”

“You did!” Evie replied with excitement. “Did you get in?”

“I did,” Amanda responded with little excitement.

“Shouldn’t you be happy about that? When and where and for how long?”

“It starts next week and it’s in sunny Southern California. Ugh!” Amanda gritted her teeth. “I really wanted to go.”

“Why can’t you go?”

“Because my stupid brother! He’s always ruining my life. And this was going to be a celebration of my divorce being finalized at the end of this week!”

“That’s right! Congratulations.”

“So much for that. Now I have to travel home in two weeks and let me tell you… no one is happy about this. I can’t believe my father even agreed to it.”

“I’m so sorry, Amanda. Can’t you still go just for the week? And then tell them you can only be there the first week because you have to go home… or just don’t go home!” Evie suggested.

“That coming from you?” Amanda laughed. “You’re always going home to be with your family.”

“I know… I just like them a lot.”

“You’re lucky. Maybe it’s time for me to spend some better-quality time with my family and then maybe I’ll like them more,” Amanda laughed.

“Is there something I can do?” Evie offered.

“Take my place?” Amanda moaned.

“As much as I’d love to finally meet your family in person, I don’t think it would be the same, even with both of us having the same first and middle names.”

“Wait!” Amanda squealed.


“You go for me!” Amanda shrieked.

“I just told you…”
