Page 17 of The Host

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“You are very talented and well educated. I’m positive you will be able to get you into any clinic.”

Dr. Arnold stood up, which made Evie stand up. “This place is just too simple for someone like you.”

Evie’s eyes bulged wide.

“Our best wishes to you, Evie… with all seriousness. You’ll find something.”

Evie almost felt bad for Dr. Arnold. She had never been let go from a job before. Granted, she only had two other jobs before this one, the first was working on her family ranch and the other was working for the local vet clinic at home when she wasn’t in school. Yet the look of concern and remorse Dr. Arnold gave her made her have compassion for him.

“I’ll be fine, Dr. Arnold. I’m a Call, and Call’s always land on their feet.” At least that was what her dad always told them when something bad happened.

Evie shook Dr. Arnold’s hand, took the manila envelope, and left his office. Evie grabbed an empty box that was once filled with canine dental treats and filled the box with her personal belongings from her desk. As she walked through the door to the waiting room, all eyes from the front desk were glued on Evie. It was as if they all knew before she did that she was being let go.

Evie hugged those at the front desk and wished them farewell and then exited the clinic, holding her head high. She wondered when the tears would start to flow and was surprised when they didn’t. She climbed into the Jeep her brother passed down to her after she graduated from BYU, slid the box over to the passenger side, and calmly left the parking lot.

When she reached the street to her apartment, she pondered her feelings again. She felt rejected, but not a failure. These were almost the same feelings she had when she realized marrying Keith wasn’t what she was supposed to do. Dr. Arnold’s words, “This place is too simple for you,” were too similar to her dad’s words, “You are not meant for simplicity.”

Evie pondered at the thought of a country veterinarian clinic not being simple… because she knew for a fact, they were simple. So maybe it meant something else. What it would be, she couldn’t fathom but she knew one thing for sure… she wanted a vacation.

Ice cream wasn’t going to do it this time.

After a traumatic event in her early twenties, Evie started making lists to help her feel more in control of her life. Being spontaneous was no longer a part of her life because of her need to be in control. However, sense her lists were failing her, she felt a sudden urge to be spontaneous.

“Tell me about this reality show!” Evie requested the moment she walked into her apartment.

“What?” Amanda asked as she emerged from her bedroom.

“Have you sent that email? Saying you can’t go?”

“Not yet. I haven’t had the heart. Why? Have you changed your mind?”


“What happened?”

“I got let go,” Evie blurted as she plopped herself on the couch.

“WHAT? Are you serious?” Amanda asked as she joined her on the couch.

“Completely serious. Tell me about this show.”

“I will, but then you’ll have to tell me what happened with your job. The show is called The Host.”

“What kind of reality show is it?”

“Um… it’ll be perfect for you. The host asks you lots of questions and gets to know your likes and dislikes.”

“So, the host will help me find a job?”

“The Host can definitely help change your life if you let him,” Amanda replied, fighting to keep her grin from spreading wider.

“What do you mean? How does it work? What can I expect?”

“This is the show’s first year of airing. The first 2 hours are totally live and then they air an entire day after that once a week.”

“I don’t understand.”

“Okay, let me try to explain this way. Let’s say you get there on a Monday. The first two hours are filmed live and then even though the cameras are still recording, it’s no longer live. Day two is on Tuesday and the entire day is recorded. Then they have a week to make edits for the show to be aired on the following Monday. All the edits from that day can only add up to an hour. They continue this process for two weeks until the last show which is aired fourteen weeks after the first airing.”
